Gabriella Padalino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Small RNAs and tooth development: the role of microRNAs in tooth agenesis and impaction JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES 2024
Smile esthetic: comparison of perception amongst orthodontists, dental students, orthodontic patients and surgical orthodontic patients BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES 2023
Predictive analysis of maxillary canine impaction through sella turcica bridging, ponticulus posticus calcification, and lateral incisor anomalies: a retrospective observational study METHODS AND PROTOCOLS 2022
Relationship between upper lateral incisors anomalies and palatal displaced canine: a case-control retrospective study MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA 2020
Computer-guided palatal canine disimpaction: a technical note INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERIZED DENTISTRY 2020
Comparision of profile macro-estethic perception among orthodontists, dentistry students, orthodontic patients and surgical orthodontic patients JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2020
Uprighting impacted mandibular second molar using a skeletal anchorage: a case report DENTISTRY JOURNAL 2020
Palatal miniscrew insertion using a CAD/CAM surgical guide: a clinical case DENTAL CADMOS 2020
Inclusione del canino mascellare e anomalie dentali e scheletriche associate: uno studio retrospettivo. Maxillary canine impaction and the association with dental and skeletal anomalies: a retrospective study DENTAL CADMOS 2018
Dalla tecnica corticotomica tradizionale a quella mini-invasiva: una rassegna della letteratura. From traditional to mini-invasive corticotomy technique: a review of literature DENTAL CADMOS 2018

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma