Paola Frati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A controversial medicolegaliIssue: timing the onset of perinatal hypoxiciIschemic brain injury MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION 2017
The choice of gadolinium-based contrast agents: a radiologist’s responsibility between pharmaceutical equivalence and bioethical issues SYMMETRY 2017
Diffuse axonal injury and oxidative stress. a comprehensive review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2017
Stem cell research and clinical translation: a roadmap about good clinical practice and patient care STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL 2017
Personalised healthcare: the DiMA clinical model CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 2017
Le pratiche di maternità surrogata nel mondo: analisi comparatistica tra legislazioni proibizioniste e liberali RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE E PREVIDENZA 2017
A clinical and ethical review on late results and benefits after EVAR. ANNALS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY 2017
La nuova responsabilità sanitaria e la sua assicurazione La lettura medico-legale della legge 24/2017: tra sicurezza delle cure e della persona assistita e nuovi profili di valutazione comportamentale degli esercenti le professioni sanitarie 2017
Hepatic Laceration due to Umbilical Venous Catheter Malpositioning PEDIATRICS & NEONATOLOGY 2017
Myocardial oxidative damage is induced by cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent apoptotic pathways in human cocaine-related overdose SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
From clinical application to cognitive enhancement: the example of methylphenidate CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2016
A mix-up during assisted reproductive technique: what is in the best interest of the new-born? CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
Heterologous fertilization: the opinion of italian physicians and a brief european overview CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
Lipid peroxidation and apoptotic response in rat brain areas induced by long-term administration of nandrolone: the mutual crosstalk between ROS and NF-kB JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE 2016
The "scandal" of late mortality after EVAR: a legacy of the past, an urban myth, or an unsolved issue? A clinical and ethical review JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY 2016
H2020 and beyond: skip discrepancy between theory and practice of personalized medicine. A position paper by the italian society of personalized medicine CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
Post-mortem magnetic resonance foetal imaging: a study of morphological correlation with conventional autopsy and histopathological findings LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2016
A retrospective study on advanced maternal age and assisted reproductive techniques, medico-legal advice, "food for thought" CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
Maternità surrogata: evoluzione giurisprudenziale italiana ed europea DIRITTO DI FAMIGLIA E DELLE PERSONE 2016
Mobbing: inquadramento del fenomeno ed indennizzo Inail RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE E PREVIDENZA 2016

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