Paola Frati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Nuove prospettive in materia di responsabilità professionale sanitaria: le novità del disegno di legge attualmente in discussione al senato MINERVA MEDICOLEGALE 2016
Colpa medica, la cassazione a sezioni unite fa il punto sul diritto del neonato malformato al risarcimento del danno RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE E PREVIDENZA 2016
Il commercio di organi umani fra normativa nazionale e internazionale RIVISTA ITALIANA DI MEDICINA LEGALE E DEL DIRITTO IN CAMPO SANITARIO 2016
Accidental Thawing of Embryos, Cryopreserved for Transfer. Two Italian cases, Milan and Rome CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 2016
Multi-phase post-mortem CT-angiography: A pathologic correlation study on cardiovascular sudden death JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC CARDIOLOGY 2016
L'esercizio del potere disciplinare ordinistico: analisi statistica ed esemplificazione casistica RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE E PREVIDENZA 2016
Smart drugs and synthetic androgens for cognitive and physical enhancement: revolving doors of cosmetic neurology CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2015
A fatal case of post-transfusion sepsis caused by Yersinia enterocolitica after delivery BLOOD TRANSFUSION 2015
Amniotic fluid embolism pathophysiology suggests the new diagnostic armamentarium: β-tryptase and complement fractions C3-C4 are the indispensable working tools INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015
Surrogate motherhood: where Italy is now and where Europe is going. Can the genetic mother be considered the legal mother? JOURNAL OF FORENSIC AND LEGAL MEDICINE 2015
The impact of nandrolone decanoate on the central nervous system CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2015
Errors and malpractice lawsuits in radiology: what the radiologist needs to know LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2015
NBOMe: new potent hallucinogens - pharmacology, analytical methods, toxicities, fatalities: a review EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2015
Does defensive medicine change the behaviors of vascular surgeons? a qualitative review BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2015
Postmortem-computed tomography and postmortem-computed tomography-angiography: a focused update LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2015
The right to be informed and fear of disclosure: sustainability of a full error disclosure policy at an italian cancer centre/clinic BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 2015
Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (AAS) related deaths: autoptic, histopathological and toxicological findings CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2015

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