Flavia Albarello


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Can We Identify with a Nation Low in Morality? The Heavy Weight of (Im)Morality in International Comparison POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Prejudice and inclusiveness in adolescence: the role of multiple categorization and social dominance orientation CHILD DEVELOPMENT 2019
“They are all alike”: when negative minority outgroups are generalized onto superordinate inclusive outgroups INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS 2019
Linguistic Discrimination Towards Roma: Can Intergroup Threat Enhance Bias? Abstracts book EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication 2019
“Son proprio tutti uguali”: Il fenomeno dell’outgroup projection. Book of Abstracts XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Roma 2019
La traiettoria evolutiva dell’identificazione sociale nella transizione dall’adolescenza alla fase giovanile Book of Abstracts XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Roma 2019
Linguistic discrimination towards Roma. Can intergroup threat enhance bias? JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
I and us: a longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE 2018
I and Us: A longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) 2018
Dominanza sociale, categorizzazione multipla, pregiudizio verso i migranti e inclusività sociale in adolescenza. Book of Abstracts XV Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Bari 2018
Social Inclusiveness as affected by multiple categorization, social dominance orientation, and prejudice. Book of abstracts of the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) 2018
Towards Promotion of Social Inclusiveness and Reduction of Prejudice in Adolescence 2018
Promoting beliefs in the inalienability of human rights by attributing uniquely human emotions through multiple categorization THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Denying psychological properties of girls and prostitutes. The role of verbal insults JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Generalisation of Roma onto Romanians. Evidence of the Outgroup Projection Effect PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 2017
The denial of morality, competence, and sociability through verbal insults Book of Abstracts 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology 2017
The role of reduced humanity in producing linguistic discrimination PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETTIN 2015


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Interessi di ricerca

Pregiudizio, discriminazione, deumanizzazione, discriminazione linguistica, insulti verbali e dimensioni fondamentali del giudizio sociale (moralità, competenza, socievolezza). Relazioni intergruppi. Riduzione del pregiudizio e della deumanizzazione (categorizzazione multipla, identità umana). Outgroup projection e minaccia intergruppi. Deprivazione relativa. Inclusività sociale. Pregiudizio in adolescenza.



prejudice reduction
prejudice against migrants
intergroup relations
intergroup threat

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