Salvatore Esposito De Falco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Diversity of Board of Directors and Environmental Social Governance: Evidence from Italian Listed Companies CORPORATE SOCIAL-RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2018
Positive or negative voting premium: what happened to private benefits in Italy? CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL 2018
Contributi sulla governance nei settori assicurativo, utilities e bancario L’azionariato attivo: la shareholder rights ed i bilanci delle quotate 2018
Interlocking directorates and different power forms: An explorative analysis in the Italian context CORPORATE BOARD 2018
Shareholder engagement e co-creation. Un’analisi su un campione di imprese quotate SINERGIE 2018
Una reinterpretazione della corporate governance alla luce della tecnologia blockchain: nuove prospettive Sinergie-SIMA 2018 Conference Proceeding “Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation" 2018
Bundles of corporate governance and voting dissent: an empirical analysis Proceedings of the 2017 GIKA Conference "Innovation, knowledge, judgment and decision making as virtuous cycles" 2017
Consiglio di amministrazione e performance: un’analisi empirica sulle principali banche italiane Sviluppo, sostenibilità e competitività delle aziende: il contributo degli economisti aziendali 2017
Open collaborative innovation and digital platforms PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL 2017
I rapporti di potere nel sistema proprietario. Il difficile equilibrio tra maggioranza e minoranza I rapporti di potere nel sistema proprietario. Il difficile equilibrio tra maggioranza e minoranza 2017
Insights to technological alliances and financial resources as antecedents of high-tech firms’ innovative performance R & D MANAGEMENT 2016
La competitività delle banche italiane tra struttura di governance e performance: un’analisi empirica RIVISTA BANCARIA. MINERVA BANCARIA 2016
Voting dissent and corporate governance structures: the role of Say on Pay in a comparative analysis CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL 2016
Voting dissent and corporate governance structures: the role of Say on pay in a comparative analysis Special Conference issue " Past and Future of Corporate Governance: Practices, Reforms and Regulations" 2016
Family Business: Ownership Governance and Management Family Business: Ownership Governance and Management 2016
Analisi qualitativa ACEA S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Eni S.p.A., Tim S.p.A.”, “Il voto elettronico L’azionariato attivo: analisi dei bilanci al 31/12/2015 2016
Presentazione SINERGIE 2016
La gestione del programma Divino ed il modello organizzativo della ricerca SINERGIE 2016
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Risk ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH JOURNAL 2015
Technological Alliances and Innovative Performance in the Aerospace and Defence Industry STRATEGIC CHANGE 2015


  • SH1
  • SH1_9
  • SH1_10


  • Advanced manufacturing & processing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Corporate Governance; Executive Compensation, Family Business, Entrepreneurship, Shareholder right e Shareholder Engagement, Strategic Management, Sustainable Development e Environmental Social Governance (ESG); Innovation, R&D


corporate governance
family business
Environmental Social Governance
shareholder engagement

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma