Alessandra Polettini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Anaerobic Degradation of Disposable Bioplastics Proceedings 6th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium 2022
Preliminary Investigation of a New Integrated Bio-Electrochemical System for Bio-Hydrogen Production from Cheese Whey Proceedings 6th Eurasia Waste Management Symposium 2022
Environmental life cycle assessment of polyhydroxyalkanoates production from cheese whey WASTE MANAGEMENT 2021
Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of biorefinery applied to cheese whey Proceedings Sardinia 2021, Eighteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2021
Anaerobic digestion of biodegradable plastics: analysis in terms of process conditions and overall performance Proceedings Sardinia 2021, Eighteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2021
Insight into the integration of dark fermentation with electrochemical methods for H2 and electricity production Proceedings Sardinia 2021, Eighteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2021
Organic waste biorefineries. Looking towards implementation WASTE MANAGEMENT 2020
The dairy biorefinery. Integrating treatment processes for cheese whey valorisation JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2020
Effect of ultrasonic post-treatment on anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic waste WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 2020
Enhanced Separation of Incinerator Bottom Ash. Composition and Environmental Behaviour of Separated Mineral and Weakly Magnetic Fractions WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION 2020
Carbon footprint of anaerobic digestion combined with ultrasonic post-treatment of agro-industrial organic residues JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2020
Influence of the pH control strategy and reactor volume on batch fermentative hydrogen production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 2019
Fermentative H2 production from food waste: Parametric analysis of factor effects BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 2019
Control of fermentation duration and pH to orient biochemicals and biofuels production from cheese whey BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 2019
Bio-H2 production from cheese whey and wastewater sludge in semi-continuous systems Proceedings Sardinia 2019. 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2019
Three-stage process for hydrogen and PHA production from sheep cheese whey 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Proceedings Sardinia 2019 2019
Dark fermentation of sheep cheese whey: biochemicals and biofuels production as a function of fermentation time and pH Venice 2018, 5th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste 2018
Combined application of Life Cycle Assessment and linear programming to evaluate food waste-to-food strategies: Seeking for answers in the nexus approach WASTE MANAGEMENT 2018
Biohydrogen production from food waste: Influence of the inoculum-to-substrate ratio SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Treatment and Disposal of Incineration Residues Solid Waste Landfilling. Concepts, Processes, Technologies 2018


  • PE8_11


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

  • Studio dei meccanismi di alterazione fisica e degradazione biochimica delle bioplastiche in diverse condizioni ambientali
  • Studio di schemi di processo integrati per il trattamento e la valorizzazione di residui organici biodegradabili
  • Configurazioni innovative di digestione anaerobica di rifiuti organici biodegradabili. Fermentazione per la produzione sequenziale di H2 e CH4. Produzione di biopolimeri da residui organici
  • Sequestro della CO2 da sorgenti puntiformi mediante processi di carbonatazione accelerata di residui industriali alcalini
  • Attivazione chimica di rifiuti inorganici ai fini del loro impiego in sistemi a base di leganti idraulici
  • Studio di processi chimico-fisici per la bonifica di suoli o sedimenti di dragaggio contaminati
  • Studio di processi di invecchiamento accelerato (ageing/weathering) di residui da processi termici ai fini del controllo del loro comportamento ambientale
  • Trattamenti chimici e termici di rifiuti inorganici per applicazioni ingegneristiche
  • Processi di solidificazione/stabilizzazione di rifiuti inorganici. Modellazione e previsione delle interazioni contaminanti/legante


gestione dei rifiuti
anaerobic digestion
Waste reuse

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma