Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Football: Discovering elapsing-time bias in the science of success | CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS | 2021 |
A Two-Level Decomposition Framework Exploiting First and Second Order Information for SVM Training Problems | JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH | 2021 |
An Alternating Augmented Lagrangian method for constrained nonconvex optimization | OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE | 2020 |
Biomarkers of erosive arthritis in systemic lupus erythematosus: Application of machine learning models (vol 13, e0207926, 2018) | PLOS ONE | 2019 |
Machine learning methods for short-term bid forecasting in the renewable energy market: A case study in Italy | WIND ENERGY | 2018 |
Biomarkers of erosive arthritis in systemic lupus erythematosus: Application of machine learning models. | PLOS ONE | 2018 |
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