Mario Roggini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Fetal early motor neuron disruption and prenatal molecular diagnosis in a severe BICD2-opathy AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. PART A 2021
A new case of SMABF2 diagnosed in stillbirth expands the prenatal presentation and mutational spectrum of ASCC1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS. PART A 2020
Indomethacin is an effective treatment in adults and children with bone Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 2020
Abstracts from the 36th Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society Virtual Sessions: October 1, 2020 and November 5, 2020 PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCERPEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER 2020
A Systematic Review of NAFLD-Associated Extrahepatic Disorders in Youths JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019
TMJ replacement utilizing patient-fitted TMJ TJR devices in a re-ankylosis child JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2016
Recurrent pyriform sinus fistula successfully treated by endoscopic Glubran 2 sealing: a rare case and literature review SAGE OPEN MEDICAL CASE REPORTS 2016
Cutis tricolor: a literature review and report of five new cases QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY 2016
Variability in a three-generation family with pierre robin sequence, acampomelic campomelic dysplasia, and intellectual disability due to a novel ∼1 Mb deletion upstream of SOX9, and including KCNJ2 and KCNJ16 BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH. PART A, CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR TERATOLOGY 2016
Reliability of Vertebral Fractures Assessment (VFA) in Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 2015
The use of piezosurgery in cranial surgery in children THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 2015
Patologie delle vie respiratorie Manuale di Pediatria II Edizione 2015

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