Angelo Cianciulli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
State of the art on family and community health nursing international theories, models and frameworks. A scoping review HEALTHCARE 2023
Psychometric testing of the nurses professional values scale-revised on family and community health nurses NURSING ETHICS 2023
The Impact of eHealth Interventions on the Improvement of Self-Care in Chronic Patients. An Overview of Systematic Reviews LIFE 2022
Comparison of sleep and attention metrics among nurses working shifts on a forward- vs backward-rotating schedule JAMA NETWORK OPEN 2021
The association between personality trait and the development of postoperative complications in enterostomized patients. Systematic review of literature ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2020
Farmaci orfani. uno sguardo sulle politiche di produzione e ricerca in ambito europeo [Orphan drugs. An European production, research and development policies] GIORNALE ITALIANO DI FARMACIA CLINICA 2019
Gestione avanzata delle vie aeree. un’overview sull’intubazione orotracheale Airways advanced management. An overview about orotracheal intubation HEALTH PROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE 2019
Assistenza Infermieristica ed esiti sensibili. Unità operativa a gestione infermieristica: uno studio retrospettivo Nursing care and sensitive outcomes. Nursing management unit. a retrospective study HEALTH PROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE 2019
Role of specialized nutrition for wound healing: a narrative review PROGRESS IN NUTRITION 2019
L’accuratezza delle diagnosi infermieristiche. crossmapping in un’unità operativa a gestione infermieristica The accuracy of nursing diagnosis. cross-mapping in an operational unit of nursing management NSC NURSING 2019
Perioperative nutritional support or perioperative fasting? A narrative review IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2019
Management del dolore post-operatorio. competenze infermieristiche TECNICA OSPEDALIERA 2018
Farmaci LASA: risk management ed errori in terapia TECNICA OSPEDALIERA 2017
L’evoluzione della chirurgia robotica. un nuovo ruolo per l’infermiere TECNICA OSPEDALIERA 2016

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