Marianna De Santis


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
An oracle-based framework for robust combinatorial optimization JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION 2023
Machine Learning-Based Classification to Disentangle EEG Responses to TMS and Auditory Input BRAIN SCIENCES 2023
On the exactness of the ε-constraint method for biobjective nonlinear integer programming OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS 2022
Minimization over the l(1)-ball using an active-set non-monotone projected gradient COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS 2022
A Penalty Branch-and-Bound Method for Mixed Binary Linear Complementarity Problems INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING 2022
A decision space algorithm for multiobjective convex quadratic integer optimization COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2021
Moses: A new approach to integrate interactome topology and functional features for disease gene prediction GENES 2021
Branching with hyperplanes in the criterion space: The frontier partitioner algorithm for biobjective integer programming EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2020
An active-set algorithmic framework for non-convex optimization problems over the simplex COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS 2020
Solving Multiobjective Mixed Integer Convex Optimization Problems SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION 2020
Improving ADMMs for solving doubly nonnegative programs through dual factorization 4OR 2020
Scanning integer points with lex-inequalities: a finite cutting plane algorithm for integer programming with linear objective 4OR 2020
Branching with hyperplanes in the criterion space: the frontier partitioner algorithm for biobjective integer programming Technical Report n. 3, 2019 2019
An Active Set Algorithm for Robust Combinatorial Optimization Based on Separation Oracles MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION 2019
A Frank–Wolfe based branch-and-bound algorithm for mean-risk optimization JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION 2018
Using a factored dual in augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS 2018
Data and performance of an active-set truncated Newton method with non-monotone line search for bound-constrained optimization DATA IN BRIEF 2018
A Two-Stage Active-Set Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Optimization JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2017
A fast active set block coordinate descent algorithm for ℓ1-regularized least squares SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION 2016


  • PE1_20

Interessi di ricerca

Programmazione mista intera nonlineare

Programmazione nonlineare a grande dimensione


ricerca operativa

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