Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
A Benchmark Study on Knowledge Graphs Enrichment and Pruning Methods in the Presence of Noisy Relationships | JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH | 2023 |
The Strange Case of a Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma with Low Proliferation Index and Atypical Clinical Behavior | PANCREAS | 2022 |
Supporting Personalized Health Care With Social Media Analytics: An Application to Hypothyroidism | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTING FOR HEALTHCARE | 2021 |
AGDLI: ArCo, GVP and dbpedia linking initiative | CEUR Workshop Proceedings | 2021 |
Diabetic cardiomiopathy progression is triggered by miR122-5p and involves extracellular matrix: A 5-Year prospective study | JACC. CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING | 2020 |
Use of glucocorticoids in patients with adrenal insufficiency and COVID-19 infection | THE LANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY | 2020 |
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