Sabina Bigi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Making the Communication of CCS more "human" ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
On-going and future research at the Sulcis site in Sardinia, Italy. Characterization and experimentation at a possible future CCS pilot ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
Continuous monitoring of natural CO2 emissions near Rome. Lessons for low-level CO2 leakage detection ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
Preliminary results of geological characterization and geochemical monitoring of Sulcis Basin (Sardinia), as a potential CCS site ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
Modeling naturally fractured carbonate as potential CGS reservoir: a case study from Sulcis Basin 2017
CO2GeoNet Perspective on CO2Capture and Storage: A Vital Technology for Completing the Climate Change Mitigation Portfolio ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
Not so simple "simply-folded Zagros". The role of pre-collisional extensional faulting, salt tectonics and multi-stage thrusting in the Sarvestan transfer zone (Fars, Iran) TECTONOPHYSICS 2016
Cap rock efficiency of geothermal systems in fold-and-thrust belts. Evidence from paleo-thermal and structural analyses in Rosario de La Frontera geothermal area (NW Argentina) JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 2016
The Ventotene Volcanic ridge. A newly explored complex in the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY 2016
Preliminary data on the structure and potential of the Tocomar geothermal field (Puna Plateau, Argentina) ENERGY PROCEDIA 2016
Soil gas geochemical behaviour across buried and exposed faults during the 24 august 2016 central Italy earthquake ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 2016
Quality assessment of reservoirs by means of outcrop data and "discrete fracture network" models. The case history of Rosario de La Frontera (NW Argentina) geothermal system TECTONOPHYSICS 2015
Discrete fracture network of the Latemar carbonate platform ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2015
Continuous monitoring of near surface gases at a natural CO2 emission site near Rome – lessons for low-level CO2 leakage detection Proceedings of the 8th Trondheim CCS Conference 2015
Multidisciplinary methodology used to detect and evaluate the occurrence of methane during tunnel design and excavation. An example from Calabria (southern Italy) Engineering geology for society and territory. 6. Applied geology for major engineering projects 2015
Fluid flow along faults in carbonate rocks Geophysical Research AbstractsGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2015
The Mw 5, 2013 Matese earthquake epicentral area (southern Italy). New data on the earthquake ground effects and active tectonics framework 6th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology 2015
Radon distribution as shallow evidence of buried fault geometry in the Fucino plain (Central Italy) 6th International INQUA Meeting on paleosismology, active tectonics and archaeosismology 2015
Earthquake Reservoirs and non-volcanic degassing in an actively extending orogeny, Southern Apennines, Italy. 2015

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