Francesco Basso Basset


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A source of entangled photons based on a cavity-enhanced and strain-tuned GaAs quantum dot ELIGHT 2024
Daylight entanglement-based quantum key distribution with a quantum dot source QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2023
Effects of random alloy disorder, shape deformation, and substrate misorientation on the exciton lifetime and fine structure splitting of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs(111) quantum dots PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2023
Hyperfine interaction limits polarization entanglement of photons from semiconductor quantum dots PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2023
Signatures of the Optical Stark Effect on Entangled Photon Pairs from Resonantly Pumped Quantum Dots PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023
Optically controlled dual-band quantum dot infrared photodetector NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2022
Quantum violation of local causality in an urban network using hybrid photonic technologies OPTICA 2022
Multipair-free source of entangled photons in the solid state PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2022
Multipair Emission Effects in Quantum Dot-based Entangled Photon Sources Proceedings Volume 12206, Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems 2022 2022
Quantum teleportation with imperfect quantum dots NPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION 2021
Quantum key distribution with entangled photons generated on demand by a quantum dot SCIENCE ADVANCES 2021
Optical properties and symmetry optimization of spectrally (excitonically) uniform site-controlled GaAs pyramidal quantum dots APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2021
Quantum dots as potential sources of strongly entangled photons: Perspectives and challenges for applications in quantum networks APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2021
Quantum dot technology for quantum repeaters: from entangled photon generation toward the integration with quantum memories MATERIALS FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY 2021
Entanglement Teleportation with Photons from Quantum Dots: Toward a Solid-State Based Quantum Network IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 2020
High–temperature droplet epitaxy of symmetric GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Entanglement swapping with photons generated on demand by a quantum dot PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Spectral broadening in self-assembled GaAs quantum dots with narrow size distribution JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2019
All-photonic quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping using on-demand solid-state quantum emitters Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2019
High-Yield Fabrication of Entangled Photon Emitters for Hybrid Quantum Networking Using High-Temperature Droplet Epitaxy NANO LETTERS 2018

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