Maria Carmen Falvo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Power systems for the DTT nuclear fusion experiment EEEIC21 Proceedings 2021
Integration of a new thermal energy storage in electrical grids: power supply and control options EEEIC21 Proceedings 2021
Integration of renewable energy source in transmission grids: issues and perspectives EEEIC21 Proceedings 2021
Forecast of the demand for electric mobility for rome–fiumicino international airport ENERGIES 2021
A new thermal energy storage technology for power system services EEEIC21 Proceedings 2021
Proposal of a new procurement strategy of frequency control reserves in power systems. The italian case in the european framework ENERGIES 2021
A review on unit commitment algorithms for the Italian electricity market ENERGIES 2021
New dispatching paradigm in power systems including EV charging stations and dispersed generation: A real test case ENERGIES 2020
Electrical Loads and Power Systems for the DEMO Nuclear Fusion Project ENERGIES 2020
Energy Analysis for the Connection of the Nuclear Reactor DEMO to the European Electrical Grid ENERGIES 2020
Assessment of the worthwhileness of efficient driving in railway systems with high-receptivity power supplies ENERGIES 2020
A Review on Energy Efficiency in Three Transportation Sectors: Railways, Electrical Vehicles and Marine ENERGIES 2020
Replacement Reserve for the Italian Power System and Electricity Market ENERGIES 2020
DEMO fusion power plant: preliminary sizing analysis of power system 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020 2020
Dimensioning of frequency reserves for the Italian power system in the European balancing platform framework 12th AEIT International annual conference, AEIT 2020 2020
Weekly storage optimization by the Italian transmission system operator 12th AEIT International annual conference, AEIT 2020 2020
Active distribution grids. Observability and RES-based DG forecasting 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020 2020
Energy efficiency and integration of urban electrical transport systems: EVS and metro-trains of two real European lines ENERGIES 2019
EV charging stations and RES-based DG: A centralized approach for smart integration in active distribution grids INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH 2019
Restoration of an active MV distribution grid with a battery ESS: A real case study SUSTAINABILITY 2018


  • PE7_2
  • PE7_3
  • PE7_12


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

• Load forecasting in the medium and long term, with innovative techniques of soft computing, based on neural networks and knowledge based expert system;
• Planning of transmission and distribution grids in electricity market, with innovative techniques of artificial intelligence, such as genetic algorithms, combined with classical methods, such as Montecarlo method;
• Electromagnetic compatibility in railway systems, with a specific reference to harmonic interferences between signal current and traction current in audio-frequency track circuits;
• Energy saving in electric urban mass transport systems, from metro-transit to on road electrical vehicle, related to supply power systems;
• Power quality and reliability analysis on power systems in civil, industrial and tertiary application.


electric power systems
electric energy storage systems
Smart Grids
electrical transmission grid

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma