Maria Carmen Falvo


  • PE7_2
  • PE7_3
  • PE7_12


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

• Load forecasting in the medium and long term, with innovative techniques of soft computing, based on neural networks and knowledge based expert system;
• Planning of transmission and distribution grids in electricity market, with innovative techniques of artificial intelligence, such as genetic algorithms, combined with classical methods, such as Montecarlo method;
• Electromagnetic compatibility in railway systems, with a specific reference to harmonic interferences between signal current and traction current in audio-frequency track circuits;
• Energy saving in electric urban mass transport systems, from metro-transit to on road electrical vehicle, related to supply power systems;
• Power quality and reliability analysis on power systems in civil, industrial and tertiary application.


electric power systems
electric energy storage systems
Smart Grids
electrical transmission grid

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