Felice Giangaspero


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system 2016
Large cell/anaplastic medulloblastoma WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system 2016
Craniopharyngioma WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system 2016
Nano-mechanical signature of brain tumours NANOSCALE 2016
Expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) in somatotropinomas: relationship with aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) and in vitro effects of fenofibrate in GH3cells MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2016
KIAA1549:BRAF fusion gene in pediatric brain tumors of various histogenesis PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER 2015
Wnt activation affects proliferation, invasiveness and radiosensitivity in medulloblastoma JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY 2015
Genetic analysis of diffuse high-grade astrocytomas in infancy defines a novel molecular entity BRAIN PATHOLOGY 2015
Standard (60 gy) or short-course (40 gy) irradiation plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for elderly patients with glioblastoma: a propensity-matched analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS 2015
Immunohistochemical profile of cytokines and growth factors expressed in vestibular schwannoma and in normal vestibular nerve tissue MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 2015
Characterization of medulloblastoma in Fanconi Anemia: a novel mutation in the BRCA2 gene and SHH molecular subgroup BIOMARKER RESEARCH 2015
In vitro and in vivo effect of human lactoferrin on glioblastoma growth JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 2015
Non-canonical Hedgehog/ampk-mediated control of polyamine metabolism supports neuronal and medulloblastoma cell growth DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2015
Long-term survival in a case of ETANTR with histological features of neuronal maturation after therapy VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 2015
Radiation-induced malignant meningioma following proton beam therapy for a choroidal melanoma JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2015
Molecular heterogeneity characterizes glioblastoma with lipoblast/adipocyte-like cytology VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 2015
Proven Epstein-Barr encephalitis with negative EBV-DNA load in cerebrospinal fluid after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia PEDIATRIC TRANSPLANTATION 2015

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