Caterina Lombardo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The relationship between internalized weight stigma and physical and mental health-related quality of life in a large sample of women: a structural equation modeling analysis EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2023
The associations between grandiose narcissism and perfectionism: New insights into an old debate PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2023
Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age BODY IMAGE 2023
Psychological Counseling among University Students Worldwide: A Systematic Review EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATION IN HEALTH, PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION. 2023
Perfectionistic Children and Their Parents: Is There Room for an Intergenerational Transmission? A Study of a Clinical Sample of Italian Children and Their Parents CHILDREN 2023
Bullying Victimization and Adolescent Depression, Anxiety and Stress: The Mediation of Cognitive Emotion Regulation CHILDREN 2023
Orthorexia nervosa and psychosocial impairment from a multidimensional perspective: a structural equation modelling approach CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Clinical, Sociodemographic, and Psychological Factors Associated with Transition Readiness in Patients with Epilepsy BRAIN SCIENCES 2023
Strategie abituali di regolazione delle emozioni come predittori della risposta al trattamento cognitivo-comportamentale per l’insonnia COGNITIVISMO CLINICO 2023
Longitudinal association between sleep disturbance and inflammation, and the role of positive affect JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2022
Associations between orthorexia, disordered eating, and obsessive–compulsive symptoms: a systematic review and meta‐analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS 2022
Longitudinal associations between stress and sleep disturbances during COVID-19 STRESS AND HEALTH 2022
Sleep disturbance, neuro-immune markers, and depressive symptoms in older age: Conditional process analysis from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 2022
A validation study of the Italian version of the Attitudes Toward Obese Persons (I-ATOP) questionnaire OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE 2022
Comitati Etici e ricerca psicologica in ambito sanitario PSICOLOGIA CLINICA DELLO SVILUPPO 2022
The mediating role of neuro-immune markers in the long-term association between insomnia and depression: an eight-year follow-up Sleep Medicine. Volume 100, Supplement 1SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
The role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies in explaining insomnia symptoms in adolescence and early adulthood Sleep Medicine. Volume 100, Supplement 1SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
Insomnia and health-related quality of life in a cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: preliminary results from an observational study Digestive and Liver Disease. Volume 54, Supplement 2DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE 2022
Compartmentalization and unity of professional psychology. A road map for the future of the discipline RIVISTA DI PSICOLOGIA CLINICA 2022
Perseverative Cognition as a Mediator Between Perceived Stress and Sleep Disturbance: A Structural Equation Modeling Meta-analysis (meta-SEM) ANNALS OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE 2022

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