Caterina Lombardo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Decreased inhibitory control after partial sleep deprivation in individuals reporting binge eating JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2018
Italian adaptation of the Insomnia Catastrophising Scale (ICS): a tool to evaluate insomnia-specific catastrophic thinking SLEEP AND BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS 2018
Increased food intake after partial sleep deprivation in individuals reporting binge eating symptoms is mediated by increases in food craving, especially in the dimension of lack of control Abstract Book - 11th National Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Eating Disorders (SISDCA) 1st International Conference of the European Chapter - Academy for Eating Disorders RICERCA, PRATICA CLINICA, RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI: NUOVE FRONTIERE NEL TRATTAMENTO DEI DISTURBI DELL’ALIMENTAZIONE E DELL’OBESITÀ. 2018
Commentary: Gain in body fat is associated with increased striatal response to palatable food cues, whereas body fat stability is associated with decreased striatal response FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Assertiveness, insomnia and depression: which relationship? SLEEP MEDICINE 2017
Sleep deprivation and food intake in participants reporting or not binge eating symptoms: the role of emotional eating Sleep medicineSLEEP MEDICINE 2017
Perfectionism and eating disorder symptoms in female university students: the central role of perfectionistic self-presentation EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2017
Italian validation of the Insomnia Catastrophizing Scale (ICS): An instrument to assess insomnia-specific catastrophizing thoughts SLEEP 2017
Appraisal of transplant-related stressors, coping strategies, and psychosocial adjustment following kidney transplantation. STRESS AND HEALTH 2017
Emotional experience, presence and severity of insomnia and depressive symptoms. An ecological study of their effects on sleep quality MENTAL HEALTH IN FAMILY MEDICINE 2016
Commentary: the relationship between sleep complaints, depression, and executive functions on older adults FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2016
The effect of acute and chronic partial sleep deprivation on attentional and emotional responses to food stimuli MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2016
The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on fatigue symptoms: A systematic examination of randomized controlled trials SLEEP 2016
The effect of partial sleep deprivation on food craving and energy intake differs depending on habitual sleep quality EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2016
The effects partial sleep deprivation on energy intake in good sleepers and participants reporting symptoms of chronic insomnia JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2016
The effects of chronic and acute sleep deprivation on executive functions and emotion regulation JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCHJOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2016
Network meta-analysis on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapies for insomnia on daytime depression and fatigue JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCHJOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2016
Validation of an Italian version of the Food Craving Questionnaire-State. Factor structure and sensitivity to manipulation EATING BEHAVIORS 2016
Cross-validation of the reduced form of the food craving questionnaire -trait using confirmatory factor analysis FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma