Ivan Mazzetta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
3D-Printed Face Mask with Integrated Sensors as Protective and Monitoring Tool Sensors and Microsystems Proceedings of AISEM 2022 2023
Predicting axial impairment in parkinson’s disease through a single inertial sensor SENSORS 2022
Microwave driven synthesis of narrow bandgap alpha-tin nanoparticles on silicon MATERIALS & DESIGN 2022
Characterization of Disposable Facemasks for COVID-19 Through Colorimetric Analysis NanoInnovation 21/09/2021 - 24/09/2021 Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy 2022
Large-scale CMOS-compatible process for silicon nanowires growth and BC8 phase formation SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS 2021
Objective assessment of walking impairments in myotonic dystrophy by means of a wearable technology and a novel severity index ELECTRONICS 2021
Influence of common source and word line electrodes on program operation in superflash memory ELECTRONICS 2021
Prediction of freezing of gait in parkinson’s disease using wearables and machine learning SENSORS 2021
Fifteen years of wireless sensors for balance assessment in neurological disorders SENSORS 2020
Wearable sensors system for an improved analysis of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease using electromyography and inertial signals SENSORS 2019
Silicon nanowires to detect electric signals from living cells MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 2019
Toward A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fall Risk Using the Fusion of Inertial Signals and Electromyography with Wearable Sensors 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems and Eurosensors XXXIII, TRANSDUCERS 2019 and EUROSENSORS XXXIII 2019
Stand-alone wearable system for ubiquitous real-time monitoring of muscle activation potentials SENSORS 2018

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