Maria Luisa Astolfi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Spatial mapping and size distribution of oxidative potential of particulate matter released by spatially disaggregated sources ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2020
Chromate fate and effect in bioelectrochemical systems for remediation of chlorinated solvents NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020
Effectiveness of Different Sample Treatments for the Elemental Characterization of Bees and Beehive Products MOLECULES 2020
Proceedings. PM2020 - IX Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico Proceedings. PM2020 - IX Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico 2020
Element levels and predictors of exposure in the hair of Ethiopian children INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Urinary mercury levels and predictors of exposure among a group of Italian children INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Urinary Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Workers of a Titanium Dioxide Based Pigment Production Plant INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Lichen transplants as indicators of atmospheric element concentrations: a high spatial resolution comparison with PM10 samples in a polluted area (Central Italy) ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2019
Tetra-2,3-pyrazinoporphyrazines with peripherally appended pyridine rings. 19. Pentanuclear octa(2-pyridyl)tetrapyrazinoporphyrazines carrying externally carboranthiolate groups: physicochemical properties and potentialities as anticancer drugs INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2019
Evidences of copper nanoparticle exposure in indoor environments: Long-term assessment, high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy evaluation, in silico respiratory dosimetry study and possible health implications SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Treatment of non-invasive biological matrix samples for screening determination of major and trace elements by inductivity coupled plasma mass spectrometry VIII Convegno Giovani Ricercatori “C’è futuro nella Ricerca!” 2019
A prophylactic multi-strain probiotic treatment to reduce the absorption of toxic elements. In-vitro study and biomonitoring of breast milk and infant stools ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 2019
Simple and rapid method for the determination of mercury in human hair by cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2019
Food waste materials as low-cost adsorbents for the removal of volatile organic compounds from wastewater MATERIALS 2019
Air quality assessment in different environmental scenarios by the determination of typical heavy metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants in native lichen Xanthoria parietina ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2019
A combined chemical/size fractionation approach to study winter/summer variations, ageing and source strength of atmospheric particles ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2019
Urinary reference ranges and exposure profile for lithium among an Italian paediatric population SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2018
Efficiency evaluation of food waste materials for the removal of metals and metalloids from complex multi-element solutions MATERIALS 2018
Release of particles, organic compounds, and metals from crumb rubber used in synthetic turf under chemical and physical stress ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2018
Adsorption of chlorinated solvents and heavy metals onto low-cost materials (biochars) in groundwater remediation 2018


  • SH7_5
  • LS7_11
  • PE10_1
  • PE4_2
  • PE4_5
  • PE4_7
  • PE4_9
  • PE4_17
  • PE4_18


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Sviluppo e validazione di nuovi metodi analitici semplici e veloci per l'analisi elementare di matrici complesse di natura biologica, ambientale e alimentare tramite spettroscopia atomica (spettroscopia a plasma accoppiato induttivamente con rivelazione ottica - ICP-OES - e di massa - ICP-MS, spettroscopia a fluorescenza atomica - AFS, assorbimento atomico con fornetto di grafite - GF-AAS, strumentazione automatica dedicata per l’analisi del mercurio - Automatic Mercury Analyzer - AMA).


elemental analysis
sample treatment
microwave-assisted extraction
bio-accessible fraction of elements
heavy metal
toxic elements
"Food Analysis"
airborne particulate matter
hair analysis
breast milk

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma