Regina Lamedica


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Voltage quality studies in electric power systems: An AC/DC network for a shipboard application EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering 2016
PQ and hosting capacity issues for EV charging systems penetration in real MV/LV networks 19th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2016 2016
Cross-country fault protection in ENEL Distribuzione's experimental MV loop lines 19th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2016 2016
Individual driving style impact on traction energy consumption in railway lines: A simulation model 2016 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM 2016 2016
Operation of a medium voltage distribution network with a large penetration of distributed generation INTERNATIONAL REVIEW ON MODELLING AND SIMULATIONS 2016
An optimization procedure to evaluate the service performances in high-speed railway lines under fault conditions INTERNATIONAL REVIEW ON MODELLING AND SIMULATIONS 2016
Application of a LiFePO4 Battery Energy Storage System to Primary Frequency Control: Simulations and Experimental Results ENERGIES 2016
A LP and MILP methodology to support the planning of transmission power systems ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH 2016
A simulation model to estimate touch voltage in DC railway systems AEIT 2016 - International Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Energy and ICT Networks of the Future 2016
Innovative protection system for separation section between 15 kV a.c. And 3 kV d.c. Railway networks AEIT 2016 - International Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Energy and ICT Networks of the Future 2016
Service Continuity in Hospitals: Overload Risks in Operating Theaters 2015 IYCE International Youth Conference on Energy 2015
Diventare ingegnere un gioco da ragazze INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2015
A new deterministic approach for transmission system planning in deregulated electricity markets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS 2015
Innovative control logics for a rational utilization of electric loads and air-conditioning systems in a residential building ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2015
Dalla realizzazione dello spazio europeo della ricerca allo sviluppo economico. Verso il superamento degli squilibri di genere: il caso dell’Università La Sapienza Scienza, genere e società. Prospettive di genere in una società che si evolve 2015
A measurement campaign in a metro trains deposit/maintenance and repair site for PV production optimal sizing 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC 2015 - Conference Proceedings 2015
An energy management software for smart buildings with V2G and BESS SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY 2015
Energy management of Auxiliary Battery Substation supporting high-speed train on 3 kV DC systems 2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2015 2015
Application of battery auxiliary substations in 3kV railway systems 2015 AEIT International Annual Conference, AEIT 2015 2015
Electric loads characterization in an aircraft carrier with ring-bus distribution system Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion, ESARS 2015

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