Alessandra Talamo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Culturally sensitive PTSD screening in non-western youth: Reflections and indications for mental health practitioners JOURNAL OF REFUGEE STUDIES 2019
Social capital and plural identities in migrants and refugees: between diasporas and entrepreneurship XVI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE DELL’AIP -BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 2019
Team performance in the Italian NHS. The role of reflexivity JOURNAL OF HEALTH ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT 2018
Visitors’ satisfaction and perceived affective qualities towards museums: the impact of recreational areas RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2018
Mixed reality for cross-cultural integration. Using positive technology to share experiences and promote communication FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Community resilience in post-conflict societies: experience of a training program in Central African Republic. 4ème Congrès Mondial sur la Résilience. Pratiques basées sur la résilience 2018
Behind migration: trauma and psychosocial intervention in Central Africa M8 alliance expert meetings, 15-16 June 2017 2018
Identity-centrality, dimensions of uncertainty, and pursuit of subgroup autonomy: the case of Sardinia within Italy JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
REBUILDING SOCIAL CAPITAL IN CONFLICT ZONES. COMMUNITY AND TECNOLOGICAL CHALLENGES Technology and society: diversity, development and community change 2018
Information from the past: how elderly people orchestrate presences, memories and technologies at home UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY 2017
The impact of qualitative job insecurity on identification with the organization. The moderating role of overall organizational justice SWISS JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Occupations at risk and organizational well-being: an empirical test of a Job Insecurity Integrated Model FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2017
The role of locally-designed organizational artifacts in supporting nurses’ work: an ethnographic study on the wards PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE 2017
Simpler is better? Analysis of a codesign session with elders SOCIAL SEMIOTICS 2016
An organizational perspective to the creation of the research field INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE 2016
Teachers as designers of GBL scenarios: Fostering creativity in the educational settings ID&A INTERACTION DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE(S) 2016
Il ruolo dei "Locally Designed artifacts" nel lavoro infermieristico: uno studio etnografico in reparto Atti del XIV Congresso nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell'AIP 2016
Studying practices to inform design: organisational issues and local artifacts Designing technology, work, organizations and vice versa 2015

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