Daniele Del Re


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Comparing transverse momentum balance of b jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Observation of the Higgs boson decay to a pair of τ leptons with the CMS detector PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B 2018
Measurement of differential cross sections in the kinematic angular variable ϕ * for inclusive Z boson production in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for natural supersymmetry in events with top quark pairs and photons in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for pair production of vector-like quarks in the bWb‾W channel from proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B 2018
Search for supersymmetry with Higgs boson to diphoton decays using the razor variables at s=13TeV PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B 2018
Event shape variables measured using multijet final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in the diphoton decay channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for heavy resonances decaying into a vector boson and a Higgs boson in final states with charged leptons, neutrinos and b quarks at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for the decay of a Higgs boson in the ℓℓγ channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for supersymmetry in events with a τ lepton pair and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying to charm and bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Measurements of the differential jet cross section as a function of the jet mass in dijet events from proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Searches for pair production of charginos and top squarks in final states with two oppositely charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for black holes and sphalerons in high-multiplicity final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state of two muons and two τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Measurement of the groomed jet mass in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Charged-particle nuclear modification factors in XeXe collisions at √sNN=5.44 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Measurement of the production cross section for single top quarks in association with W bosons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018
Search for Zγ resonances using leptonic and hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2018

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma