Carolina Giorgetti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Effect of Shear Displacement and Wear on Fault Stability: Laboratory Constraints JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH 2023
The influence of roughness on experimental fault mechanical behavior and associated microseismicity JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH 2022
The influence of loading path on fault reactivation. A laboratory perspective GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 2021
HighSTEPS. A high strain temperature pèressure and speed apparatus to study earthquake mechanics ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 2021
Petrophysical properties of heavy oil-bearing carbonate rocks and their implications on petroleum system evolution. Insights from the Majella Massif MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2020
Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 2020
Experimental insights into fault reactivation in gouge-filled fault zones JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH 2019
Fault Reactivation During Fluid Pressure Oscillations: Transition From Stable to Unstable Slip 2019
Contrasting Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Wet and Dry Fault Zones in a Proposed Shale-Hosted Nuclear Waste Repository 2019
Friction and scale-dependent deformation processes of large experimental carbonate faults JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2017
Transformation of graphite by tectonic and hydrothermal processes in an active plate boundary fault zone, Alpine Fault, New Zealand EGU General Assembly Conference AbstractsGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2017
Structural Disorder of Graphite and Implications for Graphite Thermometry Programme, abstract book and mid-conference field guide 2017
The role of pre-existing anisotropies in fault mechanics: experimental insights from triaxial saw-cut experiments Programme, abstract book and mid-conference field guide 2017
Fault geometry and mechanics within sealing horizons consisting of carbonate multilayers 2016
The hydro-mechanical properties of sealing horizons consisting of mechanical multilayers GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2016
Fault geometry and mechanics of marly carbonate multilayers. An integrated field and laboratory study from the Northern Apennines, Italy JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2016
The Role of Anisotropy in Fault Mechanics: Experimental Insights from Deformation Experiments in Triaxial Saw-cut Configuration American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016, abstract #MR41A-2689 2016
Frictional behavior of talc-calcite mixtures JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH 2015
The Role of Mechanical Anisotropy in Controlling Fault Trajectories within Multilayered Carbonate and Clay-rich Rocks 2015
Fault zone microstructures from laboratory experiments on calcite/talc binary mixtures 2015

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