Isabella Caricola


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Hammer-stones to open macaúba nuts and unintentionally flake production in wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) at Ubajara National Park (Brazil): An archeological approach JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2024
New Oldowan locality Sare-Abururu (ca. 1.7 Ma) provides evidence of diverse hominin behaviors on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION 2024
Expanded geographic distribution and dietary strategies of the earliest Oldowan hominins and Paranthropus SCIENCE 2023
Life Around the Elephant in Space and Time: an Integrated Approach to Study the Human-Elephant Interactions at the Late Lower Paleolithic Site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy) JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND THEORY 2022
Non-flaked stones used in the Mesolithic Eastern Alpine Region: A functional assessment from Romagnano Loc III and Pradestel sites JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2021
An integrated approach based on archaeometry, use-wear analysis and experimental archaeology to investigate the function of a specific type of basin diffused in the Predynastic sites of lower Egypt (4th mill. BC) QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2020
Shaped stone balls were used for bone marrow extraction at Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel PLOS ONE 2020
Prehistoric exploitation of minerals resources. Experimentation and use-wear analysis of grooved stone tools from Grotta della Monaca (Calabria, Italy) ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2020
Le punte foliate dai contesti funerari di Torre della Chiesaccia (Roma). Analisi delle tracce d’uso e dei residui Roma prima del mito.Abitati e necropoli dal Neolitico alla prima età dei metalli nel territorio di Roma (VI-III millennio a.C.). 2. Aspetti culturali e contributi specialistici 2020
I pugnali litici da Torre della Chiesaccia e Casetta Mistici (Roma). Analisi preliminare delle tracce d’uso Roma prima del mito. Abitati e necropoli dal neolitico alla prima età dei metalli nel territorio di Roma (VI-III millennio a.C.). Vol. 2. Aspetti culturali e contributi specialistici 2020
The application of 3D modeling and spatial analysis in the study of groundstones used in wild plants processing ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2019
Buono da mangiare ma… difficile da identificare! Potenzialità e risultati di un approccio integrato ai cibi e alle tecnologie nascoste del Paleolitico e Mesolitico d’Italia Abstract book della LIV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria “Archeologia del Cambiamento. Modelli, processi, adattamenti nella Preistoria e Protostoria” 2019
An integrated method for understanding the function of macro-lithic tools. Use wear, 3D and spatial analyses of an Early Upper Palaeolithic assemblage from North Eastern Italy PLOS ONE 2018
Dental calculus and isotopes provide direct evidence of fish and plant consumption in Mesolithic Mediterranean SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Experimentation and traces analysis of macro-lithic tools. The cas of Grotta della Monaca Cave (San'Agata di Esaro-Cosenza, Italy) Playing with the time. Experimental archaeology and the study of the past 2017
Studying Palaeolithic macro-lithic tools’ uses by combining functional and spatial analyses. Preliminary results from Grotta di Fumane (Italy) Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica 2017

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