Giuseppe Piras


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Renewable Energy Sources Assessment and System Design based on Open Tools and Digital Twin Models towards Zero Energy Districts: the case study of Anzio Port Proceedings of SDEWES 2021 International Conference 2021
Materiali e sistemi per efficientare l'involucro opaco: la coibentazione della parete perimetrale QUADERNI DI LEGISLAZIONE TECNICA 2021
Materiali e sistemi per efficientare l'involucro opaco: la coibentazione della chiusura orizzontale superiore QUADERNI DI LEGISLAZIONE TECNICA 2021
Materiali e sistemi per efficientare l'involucro trasparente QUADERNI DI LEGISLAZIONE TECNICA 2021
Optimization of Design and Management of a Hydroponic Greenhouse by Using BIM Application Software INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 2020
Efficienza energetica Adattarsi al clima che cambia. Innovare la conoscenza per il progetto ambientale 2020
GreenCube: Microgreens cultivation and growth monitoring on-board a 3U cubesat 2020
Smart wall system. Una soluzione di involucro per l’integrazione architettonica di tecnologie innovative ed energeticamente efficienti PONTE 2020
Dynamic simulation model of trans-critical carbon dioxide heat pump application for boosting low temperature distribution networks in dwellings ENERGIES 2019
An identification and a prioritisation of geographic and temporal data gaps of Mediterranean marine databases SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Correlations of PM10 concentrations in urban areas with vehicle fleet development, rain precipitation and diesel fuel sales ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019
Edilizia ed economia circolare: End of Waste dei rifiuti inerti PONTE 2019
Possibili interventi per la riqualificazione energetica di Palazzo Montecitorio PONTE 2019
Analisi energetica degli edifici. Elementi progettuali 2019
Oil Spill Detection Analyzing “Sentinel 2“ Satellite Images: A Persian Gulf Case Study Proceedings of the 3rdWorld Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE’18) 2018
Nearshore wave energy converters comparison and Mediterranean small island grid integration SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS 2018
Mapping sea water surface in Persian Gulf, oil spill detection using Sentinal-1 images Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'18) 2018
Nearshore wave energy assessment of Iranian coastlines Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'18) 2018
La vita degli anziani: il significato della parola “smart” per la terza età - Seniors’ living: the meaning of “smart” for seniors Arredi , Attrezzature, Tecnologie evolute e Servizi - Furniture, Equipment, Advanced Technologies and Facilities 2018
Un modello di pianificazione energetica territoriale per le aree urbane. Energy planning model for urban areas URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2018

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