Luigi Maiorano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Is geographic sampling bias representative of environmental space? ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS 2021
New Avenues for old travellers. Phenotypic evolutionary trends meet morphodynamics, and both enter the global change biology era EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 2021
The role of habitat fragmentation in Pleistocene megafauna extinction in Eurasia ECOGRAPHY 2021
Reconstructing hotspots of genetic diversity from glacial refugia and subsequent dispersal in Italian common toads (Bufo bufo) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
The spatial scaling of food web structure across European biogeographical regions ECOGRAPHY 2021
Balancing conservation priorities for nature and for people in Europe SCIENCE 2021
TETRA‐EU 1.0: A species‐level trophic metaweb of European tetrapods GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY 2020
Past extinctions of Homo species coincided with increased vulnerability to climatic change ONE EARTH 2020
A major change in rate of climate niche envelope evolution during hominid history ISCIENCE 2020
Are freshwater species really bucking the trend of global insect decline? SCIENCE 2020
Addressing common pitfalls does not provide more support to geographical and ecological abundant‐centre hypotheses ECOGRAPHY 2019
Environment and evolutionary history shape phylogenetic turnover in European tetrapods NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2019
Standards for distribution models in biodiversity assessments SCIENCE ADVANCES 2019
Combining multi-state species distribution models, mortality estimates, and landscape connectivity to model potential species distribution for endangered species in human dominated landscapes BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 2019
Drilling down hotspots of infraspecific diversity to bring them into on-ground conservation of threatened species FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2019
Meta-omics reveals genetic flexibility of diatom nitrogen transporters in response to environmental changes MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2019
Endemism and diversity in European montane mammals: macro-ecological patterns BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 2019
Spatial analyses of multi-trophic terrestrial vertebrate assemblages in Europe GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY 2019
Identifying national responsibility species based on spatial conservation prioritization BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 2019
Improving spatial predictions of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 2018


  • LS8_1
  • LS8_2
  • LS8_5
  • LS8_9
  • LS8_10

Interessi di ricerca

biogeografia, macro-ecologia e conservazione dei sistemi naturali (principalmente terrestri)


species distribution models
biodiversity conservation
wildlife management

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma