Luigi Maiorano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Reconstructing geographical parthenogenesis: effects of niche differentiation and reproductive mode on Holocene range expansion of an alpine plant ECOLOGY LETTERS 2018
Hierarchical, multi-grain rendezvous site selection by wolves in southern Italy JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 2018
Global drivers of population density in terrestrial vertebrates GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY 2018
Performance tradeoffs in target-group bias correction for species distribution models ECOGRAPHY 2017
Distribution of the brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) in the Central Apennines, Italy, 2005-2014 HYSTRIX 2017
Uncertainties in the identification of potential dispersal corridors: the importance of behaviour, sex, and algorithm BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY 2017
The least speciose among the most speciose: natural history correlates of mono- and bispecific genera of Rodentia and Soricomorpha INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY 2017
Climate change promotes hybridisation between deeply divergent species PEERJ 2017
Does the jack of all trades fare best? Survival and niche width in Late Pleistocene megafauna JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY 2017
Habitat Use in Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.): A Preliminary Study in the Caatinga of Rio Sao Francisco Natural Monument (Bahia, Brazil) FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 2017
Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving large carnivores in Europe Protected Areas: Are They Safeguarding Biodiversity? 2016
Projecting global biodiversity indicators under future development scenarios CONSERVATION LETTERS 2016
Contrasting effects of temperature and precipitation change on amphibian phenology, abundance and performance OECOLOGIA 2016
Matches and mismatches between national and EU-wide priorities: examining the Natura 2000 network in species conservation BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 2016
Extraordinary range expansion in a common bat: the potential roles of climate change and urbanisation NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 2016
Imprints of multiple glacial refugia in the Pyrenees revealed by the phylogeography and paleo-distribution modeling of an endemic spider MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 2016
Geographic pattern of predator niche breadth and prey species richness ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2016
Combining multiple tools to provide realistic potential distributions: species distribution models, morphological spatial pattern analysis and circuit theory HYSTRIX 2016
Coverage of vertebrate species distributions by Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas and Special Protection Areas in the European Union BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 2016
Species distribution models: exploring patterns and processes in mammal ecology HYSTRIX 2016


  • LS8_1
  • LS8_2
  • LS8_5
  • LS8_9
  • LS8_10

Interessi di ricerca

biogeografia, macro-ecologia e conservazione dei sistemi naturali (principalmente terrestri)


species distribution models
biodiversity conservation
wildlife management

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma