Luca Testarelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Potential of Operative Torque in Evaluating NiTi Instruments JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Future trends in endodontics: from the virtual assessment of the anatomy to the computer-driven approach JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Features of peri-implantitis associated with luting cement extrusion: a histopathologic report in humans QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL 2020
Oxford manuale di odontoiatria clinica Oxford Manuale di Odontoiatria Clinica 2020
Probiotic streptococcus salivarius reduces symptoms of denture stomatitis and oral colonization by Candida Albicans APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
The three-dimensional endodontic approach: a novel strategy to deal with the root canal system WORLD JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2020
Peri-implant marginal bone changes and soft tissue conditions around single implants with laser-microgrooved collar placed in regenerated extraction sockets and in native bone: 2-year results of RCT JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DENTAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH 2020
Torque range, a new parameter to evaluate new and used instrument safety APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Digital design of minimally invasive endodontic access cavity APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Evaluating the outcome of endodontic treatment WORLD JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2020
Changes of radiographic trabecular bone density and peri-implant marginal bone vertical dimensions around non-submerged dental implants with a laser-microtextured collar after 5 years of functional loading THE OPEN DENTISTRY JOURNAL 2020
How to improve properties of nickel-titanium rotary instruments JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Microbiological and FE-SEM assessment of d-PTFE membrane exposed to oral environment after alveolar socket preservation managed with granular nc-HA JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Root canal morphology of lower lateral incisors: a CBCT in vivo study [Morfologia del sistema endodontico negli incisivi inferiori: uno studio in vivo attraverso la tomografia computerizzata cone beam] GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA 2020
Sonic vs Ultrasonic activation of sodium hypoclorite for root canal treatments. In vitro assessment of debris removal from main and lateral canals GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA 2020
Immediate non-submerged implants with laser-microtextured collar placed in the inter-radicular septum of mandibular molar extraction sockets associated to GBR: Results at 3-year JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2020
Surgical and orthodontic rapid palatal expansion in adults using a modified palatal partial osteotomy technique (ppot): Technique description and clinical experience JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2020
Centering ability of a new nickel-titanium rotary instruments with a peculiar flat-side design: an in vitro study JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Possible complications of endodontic treatments JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Fine aerosols and perceived risk of COVID-19 among Italian dental practitioners: an experimental survey JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020

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