Luca Testarelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Surgical and orthodontic rapid palatal expansion in adults using a modified palatal partial osteotomy technique (ppot): Technique description and clinical experience JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2020
Centering ability of a new nickel-titanium rotary instruments with a peculiar flat-side design: an in vitro study JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Possible complications of endodontic treatments JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Fine aerosols and perceived risk of COVID-19 among Italian dental practitioners: an experimental survey JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Academic dental activities and COVID-19 Pandemic JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Comparative results of single implants with and without laser-microgrooved collar placed and loaded with different protocols: a long-term (7 to 10 years) retrospective multicenter study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS 2020
Influence of different heat treatments on torsional and cyclic fatigue resistance of nickel-titanium rotary files: a comparative study APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Accuracy evaluation of 14 maxillary full arch implant treatments performed with Da Vinci bridge: a case series MATERIALS 2020
Precision of dynamic navigation to perform endodontic ultraconservative access cavities: a preliminary in vitro analysis JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2020
A survey on perceived COVID-19 risk in dentistry and the possible use of rapid tests JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Fatigue resistance of two Nickel-Titanium rotary instruments before and after ex vivo root canal treatment JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Endodontics in COVID-19 times WORLD JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2020
A comprehensive in vitro comparison of mechanical properties of two rotary endodontic instruments WORLD JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2020
Minimally invasive intraoral approach to submandibular lodge JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020
Effect of a laser-ablated micron-scale modification of dental implant collar surface on changes in the vertical and fractal dimensions of peri-implant trabecular bone LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2020
Standardization of endodontic access cavities based on 3-dimensional quantitative analysis of dentin and enamel removed JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2020
Assessment of real-time operative torque during nickel-titanium instrumentation with different lubricants APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Influence of different cross-section on cyclic fatigue resistance of two nickel-titanium rotary instruments with same heat treatment: An in vitro study SAUDI ENDODONTIC JOURNAL 2020
The relevance of operative torque and torsional resistance of nickel-titanium rotary instruments: A preliminary clinical investigation SAUDI ENDODONTIC JOURNAL 2020
Prevention of periodontal pocket formation after mandibular third molar extraction using dentin autologous graft: a split mouth case report CASE REPORTS IN DENTISTRY 2020

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