Michela Di Trani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
From emotional mutual to self-regulation in attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: A pilot study on a sample of preschool-age children and their parents PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2020
Success of assisted reproductive technology treatment and couple relationship: A pilot study on the role of romantic attachment HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY OPEN 2020
La rappresentazione della donazione degli organi nel personale sanitario: uno studio tra gli ospedali romani SIPSA 2019
The validation of the free fantasy questionnaire for children and adolescents: from imaginary playmate to “dreamtime” FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Application of the scale for assesment of feeding interaction (SVIA) to children with autism spectrum disorder FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2019
The effects of an expressive writing intervention on pregnancy rates, alexithymia and psychophysical health during an assisted reproductive treatment PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 2019
Body mass index, personality traits, and body image in Italian pre-adolescents: an opportunity for overweight prevention PSIHOLOGIJA 2019
Assessing Alexithymia: the first application of TSIA on obese patients Psychotherapy and psychosomaticsPSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2019
The psychosomatic perspective Psychotherapy and psychosomaticsPSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2019
Emotional text mining and health psychology: the culture of organ donation in Spain ASA Conference 2019 - Book od Short Papers Statistics for Health and Well-being 2019
Are romantic attachment and couple relational characteristics predictive of assisted reproductive treatment positive outcomes? PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2019
Alessitimia, qualità della relazione di coppia e attaccamento romantico in donne infertili: quale associazione con gli esiti delle tecniche di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita? 2019
Linguistic styles and referential activity of unipolar and bipolar mood disorder MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Sleep paralysis in two children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder MINERVA PEDIATRICA 2019
Children's and parent's psychological profiles in selective mutism and generalized anxiety disorder. A clinical study EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY 2018
Alexithymia according to Bucci's multiple code theory. A preliminary investigation with healthy and hypertensive individuals PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2018
Alexithymia in parents and adolescents with generalised anxiety disorder CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST 2018
Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Treatment: The Role of Alexithymia, Romantic Attachment and Marital Relationship on the Quality of Life JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH 2018
The culture of organ donation in the italian newspapers Esa rn27 mid-term conference 2018
Assisted Reproductive Treatment: the role of Alexithymia, Romantic Attachment, Marital Relationship on Couple’s Quality of Life MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018

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