Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
The use of magnetic resonance images for the detection and classification of brain cancers with D-CNN | Proceedings of the Statistics and Data Science Conference | 2023 |
Multi-layer network modelling of genomic and transcriptomic data to investigate the response to checkpoint inhibitors in NSCLC | 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) | 2023 |
Modular Neural Networks for detection and classification of brain cancer images | Proceedings of the annual AIQUAV CONFERENCE (2023). Quality of life: challenges and opportunities in the Crossroads of the Mediterranean | 2023 |
Machine Learning techniques for Hydroponic Cultures | Proceedings of the annual AIQUAV CONFERENCE (2023). Quality of life: challenges and opportunities in the Crossroads of the Mediterranean | 2023 |
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