Federica Rosso


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Tipologie di ambiente costruito nel contesto dei centri storici italiani Ambiente costruito resiliente in condizioni multirischio. Metodi, strumenti e soluzioni behavioural-based 2024
Geometry optimization in the schematic design phase of low-energy buildings for all European climates through genetic algorithms SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY 2024
Key Theoretical Lenses for Climate Equity and Resilience in the Built Environment. A Conceptual Article Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Ar.Tec. (Scientific Society of Architectural Engineering) 2024
Mitigating Multi-risks in the Historical Built Environment: A Multi-strategy Adaptive Approach Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2022 . SEB 2022. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 2023
Water - and Heat - resilient Built environment Waterfront dialectics. Rome and its region facing climate impacts 2023
Complessità e cambiamento climatico: il ruolo dell’ambiente costruito ed i metodi per considerare le incertezze e molteplici obiettivi // Complexity and climate change: The role of the built environment and methods to consider uncertainties and multiple objectives In Transizione: sfide e opportunità per l’ambiente costruito 2023
Tactical urban pocket parks (TUPPs) for subjective and objective multi-domain comfort enhancement JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2023
An innovative multi-objective optimization digital workflow for social housing deep energy renovation design process Technological imagination in the green and digital transition 2023
Flood Risk of Open Spaces. From Microscale Factors of Built Environment to Risk Reduction Strategies Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021 2022
Pocket parks towards more sustainable cities. Architectural, environmental, managerial and legal considerations towards an integrated framework. A case study in the Mediterranean region ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES 2022
Flood Resilience and Adaptation in the Built Environment. How Far along Are We? SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Pocket parks for human-centered urban climate change resilience. Microclimate field tests and multi-domain comfort analysis through portable sensing techniques and citizens' science ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2022
Citizens and cities. Leveraging citizen science and big data for sustainable urban development BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2022
Urban morphology parameters towards multi-risk scenarios for squares in the historical centers. Analyses and definition of square typologies and application to the Italian context JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2022
Identificazione dei parametri morfo-tipologici e costruttivi rilevanti per la resilienza al multi-rischio e definizione delle BETs: tipologie di ambiente costruito Memoria e Innovazione 2022
Energy retrofit optimization by means of genetic algorithms as an answer to fuel poverty mitigation in social housing buildings ATMOSPHERE 2022
Verso la resilienza e l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico: metodi e strumenti nelle diverse fasi e scale dell’architettura Towards Resilience and Climate Adaptation: Methods and tools for the different scales and phases of building design and urban planning Memoria e Innovazione – Memory and Innovation 2022
The marble envelope of the Casa delle Armi by Luigi Moretti: documentary and experimental knowledge finalized to digital modeling TEMA 2022
Thermal comfort in the outdoor built environment: the role of clothing Urban Heat Stress and Mitigation Solutions- An Engineering Perspective 2022
Application of a digital framework towards the comprehension and restoration of the thin marble envelope of the ‘Casa delle Armi’ built cultural heritage INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL CULTURE AND ELECTRONIC TOURISM 2021


  • SH7_7
  • PE8_3


  • Advanced materials
  • Big data & computing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

The research interests are related to architectural engineering, building design, passive strategies for improving the resilience and sustainability of buildings and the built environment, towards climate challenges mitigation and adaptation, with particular focus on Urban Heat Island and flooding mitigation. The complexity of the built environment is considered in a multi-domain and multi-objective perspective, by tapping on advanced methodologies involving computational simulations and multi-objective optimization of built environment performance. You can read more here: https://federicarosso.site.uniroma1.it/


Architectural Engineering
building design
Built Environment
Urban Heat Island Effect
climate change mitigation
Cool material
Urban Resilience
building energy simulation
Building and Construction
building energy performance
outdoor thermal comfort
building envelope
urban paving
Outdoor visual comfort
multi-objective optimization

Gruppi di ricerca - Responsabile

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma