Claudio Alimonti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Technical performance comparison between U-shaped and deep borehole heat exchangers ENERGIES 2023
Reuse of Oil Wells in Geothermal District Heating Networks: A Sustainable Opportunity for Cities of the Future ENERGIES 2023
Technical observations about a possible new portion of the Aqua Iulia Roman aqueduct in the municipality of Ciampino (Italy) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2022
Back analysis of a horizontal geothermal plant implemented in a wine production process SUSTAINABILITY 2022
A Green solution for depleted oil wells integrating it in the territory European Geothermal Congress 2022 2022
Geothermal potential assessment for oil&gas fields in Italy 2022
Hydrocarbon wells potentially suitable for geothermal repurposing in Italy. A first assessment European Geothermal Congress 2022 2022
Numerical evaluation of thermal and hydrodynamic effects caused by heat production well on geothermal Phlegraean Fields FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH 2022
Producing geothermal energy with a deep borehole heat exchanger: Exergy optimization of different applications and preliminary design criteria ENERGY 2021
Looking forward to a decarbonized era. Geothermal potential assessment for oil & gas fields in Italy GEOTHERMICS 2021
Roman aqueduct flow estimation using geomatic measurement ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION 2021
Integration of UAV data with soil water balance models for evaluation/monitoring of maize water stress AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE 2020
Geomatic measurement of “New Aniene” and “Claudia” roman aqueducts for flows estimation IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2020
Geothermal repurposing of depleted oil and gas wells in Italy PROCEEDINGS 2020
Selecting the optimal use of the geothermal energy produced with a deep borehole heat exchanger. Exergy performance PROCEEDINGS 2020
Sustainability assessment and performance evaluation of a Ground Coupled Heat Pump system: coupling a model based on COMSOL Multiphysics and a MATLAB heat pump model JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2019
A comprehensive exergy evaluation of a deep borehole heat exchanger coupled with a ORC plant. The case study of Campi Flegrei ENERGY 2019
Improvement of the energy system efficiency by a ground source heat pumps system in a sport center European geothermal congress 2019. The Hague, 11-14 june 2019. Proceedings 2019
Exergy performance of a wellbore heat exchanger coupled with a ORC plant. Comparison of two different case studies European geothermal congress 2019, The Hague, 11-14 june 2019. Preceedings 2019
The wellbore heat exchangers. A technical review RENEWABLE ENERGY 2018

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