Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Notes on the Bactrian Personal Name Σανδο | EAST AND WEST | 2024 |
Possession | Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online | 2024 |
Genitive | Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online | 2024 |
On Predicative Possessive Constructions in Avestan | Berthold Delbrück, Historical and Comparative Indo-European Syntax 1922–2022 | 2023 |
Identity and the choice of writing system in the Achaemenid world | JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL SOCIOLINGUISTICS | 2022 |
On Bactrian umlaut | STUDI E SAGGI LINGUISTICI | 2022 |
Zum Ausdruck prädikativer Possessivität im Altavestischen | Συντακτικός. Studien zur historischen Syntax, Pragmatik und Etymologie der indogermanischen Sprachen. Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Hettrich | 2022 |
La lingua degli antichi Persiani | 2022 | |
Zu den Umlauterscheinungen im Baktrischen. Lautgesetz oder Tendenz? | MUNCHENER STUDIEN ZUR SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT | 2022 |
Towards a Morphosyntax of Old Persian Cases. The Genitive | 2020 | |
Preface | Word formation, grammar and lexicology. Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in co-operation with the Multilingualism Research Group (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, and the Norwegian Institute of Philology, Rome, February 6-8, 2019 | 2020 |
An Iranian Loanword for Clothing in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria | Word formation, grammar and lexicology. Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in co-operation with the Multilingualism Research Group (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, and the Norwegian Institute of Philology, Rome, February 6-8, 2019 | 2020 |
Word formation, grammar and lexicology. Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in co-operation with the Multilingualism Research Group (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, and the Norwegian Institute of Philology, Rome, February 6-8, 2019 | 2020 | |
Some remarks on the accusative in Old Persian | VICINO ORIENTE | 2019 |
Iranian Color Terms in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria | Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi | 2019 |
Linguistica, filologia e storia culturale. In ricordo di Palmira Cipriano | 2018 | |
Textiles in aramaic documents from ancient Bactria | Linguistica, filologia e storia culturale. In ricordo di Palmira Cipriano | 2018 |
Linguistic representations of identity in the Achaemenid World. Case studies | Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida | 2017 |
Presentación | Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida | 2017 |
Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida | 2017 |
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