Francesco Dentale


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Applying Implicit Measures to Assess the Agentic Facets of Narcissistic Self-Concept PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2024
Applying the questionnaire-based Implicit Association Test to measure automatic negative thinking International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy 2024
Applying Implicit Propositional Measures to Detect Faking in Personality-Related Scales: Reliability, Discriminating Power, and Classification Accuracy PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETTIN 2024
Prospective associations between grandiose narcissism and perfectionism: A longitudinal study in adolescence BRITISH JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 2023
The associations between grandiose narcissism and perfectionism: New insights into an old debate PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2023
Two shades of narcissism and their associations with defense mechanisms, mentalization, and social mentalities Book of Abstracts - 31º Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2023
Measuring depression with the questionnaire based Implicit Association Test: a new tool to detect malingering Book of Abstract 2022
Effectiveness of psychodynamic-oriented counselling intervention in reducing psychological distress in university students seeking help BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING 2022
The Implicit Component of Moral Disengagement: Applying the Relational Responding Task to Investigate Its Relationship With Cheating Behavior PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETTIN 2021
Do antenatal maternal and paternal depression levels affect emotional availability during mother-child and father-child interactions? PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2021
Beyond an associative conception of automatic self-evaluations: applying the relational responding task to measure self-esteem THE PSYCHOLOGICAL RECORD 2020
BIS and BAS sensitivities at different levels of personality description. A latent-variable approach with self- and informant-ratings JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 2020
The Unique Role of Regulatory Mode Orientations in Implicit and Explicit Self-Forgiveness SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Predictive and incremental validity of parental representations during pregnancy on child attachment. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
A pilot study on couple relationships and cardiac disease: The role of alexithymia and attachment in the course of myocardial infarction PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2020
The stable component of maternal depressive symptoms predicts offspring emotional and behavioral symptoms: a 9-years longitudinal study BMC PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Assessing positive orientation with the Implicit Association Test EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 2019
Applying the latent state-trait analysis to decompose state, trait, and error components of the self-esteem implicit association test EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 2019
Self-reassurance, not self-esteem, serves as a buffer between self-criticism and depressive symptoms PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2019
"A psychodynamic couselling intervention for university students seeking psychological help" - Proceedings XXI National Congress Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic Section, Milan-27-29 September 2019, SYMPOSIUM SESSION MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019


  • SH4_2
  • SH4_3

Interessi di ricerca

  • Validazione strumenti di valutazione della personalità;
  • Misurazione implicita;
  • Modelli di verifica degli esiti degli interventi.


implicit measurement
psychotherapy outcome

Gruppi di ricerca

Laboratori di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma