Corrado De Vito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare-associated infections in intensive care unit patients: a retrospective cohort study ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE AND INFECTION CONTROL 2021
How public health professionals view mandatory vaccination in italy-a cross-sectional survey VACCINES 2021
Can physical activity influence human gut microbiota composition independently of diet? A systematic review NUTRIENTS 2021
Dynamic space-time diffusion simulator in a GIS environment to tackle the Covid-19 emergency. Testing a geotechnological application in Rome GEOGRAPHIA TECHNICA 2021
Prior antibiotic therapy and the onset of healthcare-associated infections sustained by multidrug-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae in intensive care unit patients: A nested case–control study ANTIBIOTICS 2021
Expression and clinical utility of transcription factors involved in epithelial–mesenchymal transition during thyroid cancer progression JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2021
A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature on the early phase of COVID-19 in Italy FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Precision medicine and public health. New challenges for effective and sustainable health JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 2021
Effect of the mandatory vaccination law on measles and rubella incidence and vaccination coverage in Italy (2013-2019) HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS 2021
Can new ENZIAN score 2020 represent a staging system improving MRI structured report? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Knowledge, attitude, barriers, professional behaviour and possible interventions. A survey on healthcare-associated infections among the healthcare workers of an intensive care unit in a large teaching hospital in Rome ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ 2021
The bigger, the better? A systematic review on the impact of mergers on primary care organizations EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Prevalence, management and outcome of cryptorchidism associated with gastroschisis: A systematic review and meta-analysis JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 2021
A dynamic GIS space-time diffusion model to tackle COVID-19 emergency EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among italian university students: A cross-sectional survey during the first months of the vaccination campaign VACCINES 2021
Benefits of parent training in the rehabilitation of deaf or hard of hearing children of hearing parents: a systematic review AUDIOLOGY RESEARCH 2021
Job satisfaction among employees after a merger. A cross-sectional survey in the local health unit of Sardinia Region, Italy FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
TIRADS, SRE and SWE in INDETERMINATE thyroid nodule characterization: Which has better diagnostic performance? LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2021
An earth observation cognitive system in response to Sars-Covid-19 emergency International astronautical congress – IAC 2021
Time to align. A call for consensus on the assessment of genetic testing FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021


  • LS7_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Public Health Genomics; Health Technology Assessment; epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases; epidemiology of NTDs; evaluation of diagnostic tests; use of GIS for Public Health


Risk factors in epidemiology
evidence-based public health (EBPH)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma