Marina Gallinaro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Ecological strategies of bacterial communities in prehistoric stone wall paintings across weathering gradients. A case study from the Borana zone in southern Ethiopia SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2024
Colour of the past in South Caucasus: The first archaeometric investigation on rock art and pigment residues from Georgia QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2023
The Gotera archaeological mission in southern Ethiopia: ongoing research in the Middle Stone Age site of Gotera (Oromia, Borana zone) ANNALES D'ETHIOPIE 2023
δ13C and δ18O enamel isotope insights into the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic context of MSA humans from Gotera, southern Ethiopia International Union for Quaternary Research - INQUA 2023
Central Saharan Rock Art Landscapes Landscapes and Landforms of the Central Sahara 2023
Riflessioni per una ricerca sostenibile degli archivi visivi della preistoria. Thoughts for sustainable research of prehistoric visual archives Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell’arte rupestre post-paleolitica in Italia 2023
The sustainability of rock art: preservation and research SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Atlas of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya 2022
Central Saharan rock art, intangible archives, and “decolonized narratives” ATLAS of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya 2022
Editorial preface ATLAS of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya 2022
Rock art styles in the Tadrart Acacus (SW Libya): a critical assessment ATLAS of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya 2022
The Atlas. An Introduction ATLAS of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya 2022
The Atlas. The Catalogue ATLAS of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya 2022
Impacts of scientific approaches on rock art research: global perspectives 2021
Impacts of scientific approaches on rock art research: global perspectives QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2021
Le datazioni radiocarboniche delle strutture al margine 423 del Villaggio Grande della Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio. Le strutture idrauliche al margine del Villaggio Grande (scavi 1998-2011) 2021
The Hardness and the Eternal. Petrification Processes of Prehistoric Human Figurines Petrification Processes in Matter and Society 2021
Site Organization and Mobility Strategies: The Early and Middle Holocene Stone Structures from Takarkori Rock Shelter (Southwestern Libya) JOURNAL OF FIELD ARCHAEOLOGY 2021
Lithic variability and raw material exploitation at the Middle Stone Age (MSA) site of Gotera, southern Ethiopia: A combined technological and quantitative approach JOURNAL OF LITHIC STUDIES 2021
Geomicrobial investigations of colored outer coatings from an Ethiopian rock art gallery COATINGS 2020


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