Monica Rocco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Clinical practice and effect of carbon dioxide on outcomes in mechanically ventilated acute brain-injured patients: a secondary analysis of the ENIO study INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 2024
To Be Frail or Not to Be Frail: This Is the Question—A Critical Narrative Review of Frailty JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2024
A closer look at opioid-induced adrenal insufficiency. A narrative review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023
Utilization of mechanical power and associations with clinical outcomes in brain injured patients: a secondary analysis of the extubation strategies in neuro-intensive care unit patients and associations with outcome (ENIO) trial CRITICAL CARE 2023
Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 Infection Screening before Thoracic Surgery during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Retrospective Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE 2023
Individualized Thresholds of Hypoxemia and Hyperoxemia and their Effect on Outcome in Acute Brain Injured Patients: A Secondary Analysis of the ENIO Study NEUROCRITICAL CARE 2023
Risk factors of extubation failure in neurocritical patients with the most impaired consciousness INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 2023
The role of beta-blocker drugs in critically ill patients: a SIAARTI expert consensus statement JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, ANALGESIA AND CRITICAL CARE 2023
COVID-19 Lung Ultrasound Scores and Lessons from the Pandemic: A Narrative Review DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Comparison of thrombotic events and mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia and COVID-19. a multicenter observational study THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS 2022
Nonthyroidal illness syndrome. to treat or not to treat? Have we answered the question? A review of metanalyses FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2022
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) to measure alterations on hydroelectrolytic equilibrium of peripheral cells in COVID-19 patients with nonthyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS) ENDOCRINE ABSTRACTS 2022
Targeting neuroinflammation in osteoarthritis with intra-articular adelmidrol BIOMOLECULES 2022
Opposite effect of thyroid hormones on oxidative stress and on mitochondrial respiration in COVID-19 patients ANTIOXIDANTS 2022
Bilateral ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block for pectus excavatum surgery: a retrospective propensity-score study JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA 2022
Different epidemiology of bloodstream infections in COVID-19 compared to non-COVID-19 critically ill patients: a descriptive analysis of the Eurobact II study CRITICAL CARE 2022
Extubation in neurocritical care patients: the ENIO international prospective study INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 2022
Psychological Health in Intensive Care Unit Health Care Workers after the COVID-19 Pandemic HEALTHCARE 2022
Psychological health in COVID-19 patients after discharge from an intensive care unit FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022

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