digital transformation

Literature review on digitalization capabilities: Co-citation analysis of antecedents, conceptualization and consequences

Recent decades have witnessed increased number of studies focusing on digitalization and related capabilities. Across disciplines digitalization capability is viewed as a sources of sustained competiveness. Nonetheless, several issues related to conceptualizing digitalization capabilities remain ambivalent.

Tra prossimità e distanza: l’efficacia della leadership in un contesto “agile e digitalizzato”

I cambiamenti socio-economici e tecnologici che già da tempo stavano interessando le organizzazioni hanno subito una drammatica accelerazione a causa dell’attuale emergenza sanitaria. Proprio in risposta alle necessità di distanziamento interpersonale dettate dalla gestione dell’emergenza, un numero ingente di lavoratori è passato da una modalità di lavoro tradizionale alla sperimentazione delle cosiddette “new ways of working”, che nel contesto italiano trovano espressione soprattutto nello smart working o (lavoro agile), e del lavoro di gruppo in team virtuali.

The impact of Digital Platforms on Business Models: an empirical investigation on innovative start-ups

Digital platforms have the ability to connect people, organizations and resources with the aim of facilitating the core interactions between businesses and consumers as well as assuring a greater efficiency for the business management. New business concepts, such as innovative start-ups, are therefore created based on innovation, scalability and the relationships within the community around them. The purpose of this work is to deeply understand the evolution of business models brought by innovative and dynamic companies operating through online platforms.

How digital transformation is reshaping the manufacturing industry value chain: The new digital manufacturing ecosystem applied to a case study from the food industry

The rapid development and adoption of Internet and digital technologies
dramatically changed business processes, leading to a disruptive digital transformation
of the whole industry value chain. The so-called Industry 4.0 refers to a
complex evolution of the entire industrial sector that includes technological
advances in production equipment (i.e. Additive Manufacturing), smart finished
products (IoT), data tools and analytics, involving activities and stakeholders at all

Technology adoption for the integration of online–offline purchasing. Omnichannel strategies in the retail environment

Purpose – Retail customers are now omnichannel both for attitude and behavior. Since individuals interact
with multiple touchpoints throughout their shopping journey, retailers must consider all channels holistically
as consumers do, in order to provide them with a unified shopping experience. Thus, recently retailers are
showing an increasing interest in the deployment of advanced in-store systems aimed at enhancing the
shopping experience by providing customers with innovative tools able to engage them for obtaining deeper

The Role of Chatbots in End-To-End Intelligent Automation and Future Employment Dynamics

Considering the remarkable advancements in intelligent automation, from robot process automation (RPA), big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) & deep learning, blockchain, intelligent optical character recognition (IOCR), automatic speech recognition (ASR), 3D image recognition, to augmented reality (AR) and virtual assistants, it is incontestable that organizations are also experiencing an unprecedented transformation process.

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