1H NMR-based metabolomics

Laboratorio Chimica degli Alimenti - FOODCHEMLAB

Laboratorio Chimica degli Alimenti - FOODCHEMLAB

The research activity of FoodChemLab is mainly focused on the study of food and natural matrices carried out using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methodologies. Together with her research group, prof. Luisa Mannina has developed an analytical protocol for the determination of the metabolic profile of the investigated matrices by means of high-field NMR spectroscopy and, according to the specific problem, chemometric analysis.

Daily consumption of orange juice from Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv. Cara Cara and cv. Bahia differently affects gut microbiota profiling as unveiled by an integrated meta-omics approach

We have investigated the effect of intake of two different orange juices from Citrus sinensis cv. "Cara Cara" and cv. "Bahia" on faecal microbiota and metabolome using an integrated meta-omics approach. Following a randomized crossover design, healthy subjects daily consumed 500 mL of orange juice from Cara Cara or Bahia juices or an isocaloric control drink. Stools were collected at baseline (T0) and after a week (T7) of intervention.

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