The JEOL JNM-ECZ 600R spectrometer is equipped with a 14.09 Tesla magnet, corresponding to the resonance frequency of 1H of 600 MHz. For the specific needs of the metabolomic analysis, a 30-position autosampler which can be cooled down to -20°C and a cryoprobe was included in the supply contract.
Instrumental characteristics
- Three channels console.
- Frequency range: 5 to 645 MHz.
- Fully automatic autotune and matching control of all nuclei in the probe range.
- Field gradient amplifier, Z axis: 30 A.
- Variable temperature control, temperature range: from -170 to 250°C.
- Matrix shim system, shim controller, shim driver and shim coil.
- Amplifier (RF power monitor, preamplifier).
- Low noise and high sensitivity of preamplifiers for high and low frequencies. Automatic relay switching for 2H gradient shimming.
- Automatic and manual shimming.
- 14.09 Tesla magnetic field.
- Cryogenic liquid level meter (helium and nitrogen).
- Low cryogenic consumption: He refill ≥ 200 days, N2 refill ≥ 15 days.
- Magnet shielding from the center of the magnet: 5 Gauss radial: ≤0.7 m, 5 Gauss axial: ≤1.4 m.
- High efficiency anti-vibration system specific for the magnet.
- High efficiency external noise suppression system (≥99%).
- Observable and irradiable nuclei: 1H, 19F, from 31P to 15N.
- Lock system on the 2H signal, easily obtainable without interacting with the instrument hardware (no rewiring).
- Guaranteed mono and two-dimensional heteronuclear experiments: HMQC, HSQC, HMBC, DOSY, NOESY, HOESY, COSY, ROESY also in the gradient versions.
- Heteronuclei selection by software.
- Temperature range: from -100 to + 150°C.
- ECZ 5 program for the spectrometer management.
- Delta software for the acquisition and processing of data in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions.
- Unlimited number of licenses for off-line analysis and graphs.
Fonte di Finanziamento:
Media o grande attrezzatura acquisita/cofinanziata con fondi di Ateneo
anno del bando:
anno di collaudo:
Nome e acronimo del laboratorio o locale che ospita l'attrezzatura:
NMR-based metabolomics of Sapienza (NMLab)
Department or host center:
CU014 - Chimica - Cannizzaro Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali
Pagina web laboratorio/attrezzatura:
Servizi offerti:
The main activities of the Laboratory are:
Characterization of the metabolic profiles (phenotypes) of plant and animal living organisms
Characterization of the metabolic profiles of microbial, plant, animal and human cells in relation to genetic mutations or biotic or abiotic perturbations;
Identification of new biomarkers to improve clinical diagnosis and prognosis;
Identification of new metabolic targets in different human pathologies;
Evaluation of the effect of pharmacological, dietary or behavioral interventions on human and animal health;
Evaluation of possible side effects of drug treatments;
Evaluation of the interactions among diet, intestinal microbiota and human and animal metabolism in physiological and pathological states;
Customization of pharmacological and/or nutritional interventions on the basis of the metabolic phenotype of the individual (Precision Medicine and Nutrition);
Carrying out the integrated characterization of plant foods in relation to origin, soil and climatic and agronomic conditions;
Identification of bioactive compounds in food;
Designing functional foods and evaluation of their impact on health.
Evaluation of the steps of transformation of food products for process optimization
Evaluation of the steps of processes involved in the circular agricultural economy
The laboratory provides the necessary structures and skills for the preparation of samples for metabolomics analysis, acquisition of spectra, their processing and subsequent data analysis.
The characteristics of the JNM-ECZ 600R spectrometer do not limit its application to metabolomic analysis only, but rather allow its use in numerous other research topics such as, for example, the determination of molecular structure, the composition of mixtures and every application where high resolution mono and two-dimensional NMR spectra are needed.
Link al regolamento di utilizzo:
Link al tariffario:
cognome | nome | |
Miccheli | Alfredo | |
Capuani | Giorgio |
Numero di utenti per anno:
4 Dipartimento di Chimica, 5 Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, 2 Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie, 4 Dipartimento di Chimica e tecnologie del farmaco,3 Dipartimento di Fisiologia e farmacologia, 2 Medicina Sperimentale
Dipartimenti interessati:
Elenco Imprese utenti:
denominazione | tipologia |
IRCSS Ospedale Pediatrico del Bambino Gesù | microbioma, epatologia, gastroenterologia, malattie ereditarie |
Fondazione Gemelli | Medicina geriatrica, epatologia |
Elenco altri utenti:
denominazione | tipologia |
Azienda Agricola Aureli Mario | ricerca agrifood |
INAIL | progetti Bric, |
Utilizzo per ricerca clinica:
Policlinico Umberto I
Ricavi - trasferimenti interni:
fatture emesse:
data | causale |
21/11/2020 | azienda agricola Aureli Mario Progetti SAFE EAT e INNOPAQ 2019-2020 |
spese manutenzione:
anno | causale |
2020 | 30000 |
Ditta con la quale è stato stipulato un eventuale contratto di manutenzione:
nessun contratto: garanzia
Description of research activity:
Metabolomics and Metagenomics to investigate the development of gut microbiome in the infants; Interaction between host and gut microbiome in the modulation of the response to biological cancer therapy; Role of gut microbiome in the NAFLD and cirrhosis. Responsibles: Miccheli A., OPBG, Gemelli
Research Project agreement with Agricultural Company Aureli Mario: B.I.C.Y. (Biostimulants increase crops yield) to realize and to conduct the activities in the Project “Fabbrica intelligente, Agrifood e Scienze della vita” Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Programma Operativo Nazionale «Imprese e Competitività» 2014-2020 FESR.
AIRC research project: Environmental stimuli shape microglial plasticity in glioma: responsable: Cristina LImatola
Sustainable cultivation of the medicinal plant Hypericum perforatum (L.): saprotiferous mushrooms of the soil for the promotion of growth and the induction of resistance (University Research Project 2018, Department of Environmental Biology). Responsible: Prof. A. M. Persiani,
Study of the metagenomic and metabolomic profiles of the intestinal microbiota and intestinal immunological network in children with Crohn's disease
Identification and characterization of new epigenetic factors and metabolic control (University Research Project 2018, Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Charles Darwin"). Uccelletti D. and Miccheli A.
Innovative strategies for quality milk (StraLaQ). MIPAFPT "MILK FUND" PROJECTS D.M. n. 27443 OF 09/25/2018. Responsible: Prof Stefano Materazzi. Department of Sapienza Chemistry - Department of Veterinary Medicine UNIMI.
Research contract with Azienda Agricola M. Aureli within the realization objectives of the project Sustainable innovation for quality food production - INNOPAQ: within the POR FESR Abruzzo 2014-2020 projects: Action lines 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 . Title of the research project: "Application of innovative analytical techniques for the optimization of the process phases: collection, transformation and conservation of vegetable products". Responsible: prof. Alfredo Miccheli.
Research Contract with Azienda Agricola M. Aureli "Development of new plant foods functional to the well-being of health and new food sanitization processes". Responsible: prof. Alfredo Miccheli
Description of educational/training activity:
Two PhD students in Chemistry, three student thesis in Chemistry
Responsabile dell'Attrezzatura:
Settore ERC:
Ambiti tecnologici trasversali - Key Enabling Technologies:
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
Keyword iris:
1H NMR-based metabolomics
Stato dell'attrezzatura:
In funzione