adaptive reuse

Historical Heritage Conservation versus Energy Efficiency. Traditional Technological Knowledge as design answer?

To set conservation project in sustainable human development means to understand in-becoming reality, turning the static vision into a dynamic approach that considers life cycle as theoretical-methodological base, articulated in different and integrated steps. Historical architecture, in Mediterranean basin, assumes a type-morphological structure in coherence to microclimatic characters of site, defining the optimization of energetic relationships with surrounding natural environment.

La Zecca dello Stato: fabbrica, scuola e palazzo nel cuore della capitale del Regno

On December 27, 1911, King Vittorio Emanuele III inaugurated the new
Mint of the Italian State. For the first 50 years of the Kingdom of Italy,
several mints of the pre-unitary states were kept in operation until, in
1892, all the productions were concentrated in the ancient papal mint of
Rome. In the realization of the new Mint, a general process of increasing
the artistic quality and production capacity of the coin and medal was
completed, within the general aim of building the State of prime

Cultural Heritage and Adaptive Reuse in Rural Urban Contemporary China. The interest for the western methodologies and the peculiarity of the Chinese issues

From the early 90s several Chinese cities engaged transformation embodying
in architecture, public space and urban texture, the physical evidence of the
expectations and contradictions originated and breed by the reforms initiated in
the late 1970s. The idea and the meaning of cultural heritage has been evolving
since then in Chinese architectural culture through central government reforms
and private initiatives managing the reconstruction of national identity within a

Preservation, heritage, adaptive reuse. Il ruolo recente dell’Italia, le interferenze dal mondo globale

Una domanda, tra le tante poste dai fenomeni di globalizzazione, non è più rinviabile: tenendo presente quanto è accaduto negli
ultimi quindici anni è forse – o ancora – possibile confrontare le azioni progettuali e gli esercizi teorici degli architetti e degli accademici
americani e cinesi che si occupano di preservation, heritage, adaptive reuse, con le azioni e gli esercizi teorici dei loro omologhi italiani nel settore del restauro e della conservazione del patrimonio culturale?

Traditional Buildings Back to the Future. Adaptive Energy Efficiency in Reuse

This study examines the impact of building use variable on the energy retrofit for vernacular buildings. In Italy, the main part of the building stock is composed of urban textures based on vernacular buildings. This part shares regional values and features that distinguish the landscape and influence the global primary energy demand of buildings sector. Moreover, historical towns underwent a renovation process which includes changes of use driven by economic factors and totally unaware of the effect on energy performance.

Agro Pontino e industria, abbandono e nuova vita. Le mutazioni di un territorio

The sudden acceleration of time due to the economic development of the second half of the last century, and the slowdown generated by the long economic crisis that opened the new century, compel to a thorough analysis, not only conceptual, about how to combine the probable prospect of an economic slowdown with an improvement of the quality of life of individuals and of urban systems. The fast-urban decadence may not lead just to neglect. In fact an alternative founded on rehabilitation and reuse does exist and deserves to be explored.

Socialist industrial heritage in Albania. A proposal design for the conversion of the Gogonushi complex in Fier

Il regime socialista, che ha governato il paese dal 1945 al 1990, ha consegnato all’Albania una serie di complessi industriali frutto dell’importazione di tecniche e processi costruttivi importati dall’URRS e dalla Cina. La caduta del regime pone la questione se questi manufatti, nonostante costituiscano uno dei simboli della dittatura, possono essere interessati da processi di risignificazione e rigenerazione per la comunità albanese. Il paper proposto per tanto analizza il possibile riuso del complesso Gogo Nushi a Fier, investigando diverse scale di intervento:

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