Persiano e arabo
Otto schede di catalogo di sigilli, intagli e montature di anelli con iscrizioni in arabo e persiano
Otto schede di catalogo di sigilli, intagli e montature di anelli con iscrizioni in arabo e persiano
The contribution aims at considering the Arab-Islamic objects recorded in Millin’s unpublished manuscript notes, and on drawings com- missioned during his travel in Italy, especially in Puglia and in Venice. Through these docu- ments, and the unpublished correspondence of A.I. Silvestre de Sacy, it is possible to offer new details about the only Arabic inscription found in Lucera, nowadays apparently lost; to discuss an unpublished drawing of an epigraph, once in Marseille, of which only a fragment survives; and to reconsider the inscriptions of the Mauso- leum of Bohemund in Canosa.
This contribution is intended to fill a gap in the series of studies already devoted to the glosses of the famous codex Cava 1, a Biblical manuscript written in early 9th-century Spain, and to contribute to its better understanding from a cultural and historical point of view. Sixteen glosses in Arabic language and script and one gloss in Hebrew script and Arabic language will be examined from a paleographical point of view, trying to propose a date and a place for their execution. Moreover, the paper will discuss the con- tents of these glosses, until now discarded by scholars.
This contribution presents a unique papyrus letter in Latin script and Latin language and in Latin script and Arabic language that is possible to date, on palaeographic grounds, from the end of the 7th to the 9th century AD. This precious witness is exam- ined under the historical, graphical, linguistic and cultural point of view and its prove- nance is discussed accordingly. An edition of the whole text is provided and a number of correspondences in Arabic are suggested.
This is an overview of Arab manuscripts fragment models. In addition to summarizing the considerations expressed in the scientific debate about the function and nature - unitary and complete or fragmentary and partial ab origine - of the San’a ̄ ’palimpsest, the study presents a new research, photographic and textual, of some Koranic fragments - including three pages of the famous Koran of Ama ̄gˇu ̄r - kept at the Damascus Calligraphy Museum.
Questo contributo è composto di due parti: nella prima delineo gli esordi del mio interesse scientifico per la numismatica araba; nella seconda parte propongo una nuova, possibile chiave di lettura per l'enigmatica espressione 'dirham riyahi' legata alle emissioni yemenite successive alla riforma monetaria del rasulide al-Mujahid 'Ali (r. 721-764 AH/AD 1322-1363) del 736 AH/AD 1335-36.
Il contributo ripercorre la contrastata vicenda scientifica e umana che ebbe come protagonisti Angelo Mai (1782-1854) e Michelangelo Lanci (1779-1867) e getta nuova luce su quella “moda scientifica” tutta romana - ma di portata internazionale - incentrata sui geroglifici e la loro decifrazione.
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