Frammenti di manoscritti arabi: una conoscenza frammentaria

02 Pubblicazione su volume
D'Ottone Arianna

This is an overview of Arab manuscripts fragment models. In addition to summarizing the considerations expressed in the scientific debate about the function and nature - unitary and complete or fragmentary and partial ab origine - of the San’a ̄ ’palimpsest, the study presents a new research, photographic and textual, of some Koranic fragments - including three pages of the famous Koran of Ama ̄gˇu ̄r - kept at the Damascus Calligraphy Museum. The case of one of the most famous depository of manuscript fragments known in the Arab-Islamic world - the type-genizah depository of the Qubbat al-khazna of Damascus - has also been discussed, based on edition of a fragment of the Old Testament deriving from this discovery. Fragments of Arabic manuscripts produced in regions of Da ̄r al-Isla ̄m such as Andalusia and Central Asia and the fragments of illuminated manuscripts have also been mentioned.

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