

All’interno del vasto ambito del patrimonio costruito, la città è senza dubbio uno degli elementi più
complessi. La sua mutevolezza ne determina l’importanza quale testimonianza storica e, al contempo,
la difficoltà nella sua conservazione. Riconoscendo la propria ambivalenza tra il tangibile e l’intangibile,
la ricerca vuole proporre un approccio metodologico finalizzato alla sua conservazione d’insieme,
come unico organismo. La conservazione, intesa come vivificazione e divulgazione della memoria,

Communication uneven. Acceptance of and resistance to foreign influences in the connected Ancient Mediterranean. Preface

The preface of the volume includes a short discussion of each paper and of each theme. Three geographical areas are discussed: Central Mediterranean; Crete and the Aegean; Cyprus and Levant. A further theme is the role of warriors and merchants in connectivity.

Communication Uneven. Acceptance of and Resistance to Foreign Influences in the Connected Ancient Mediterranean

This volume has its origin in a similarly entitled session organised at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European
Association of Archaeologists in Barcelona in 2018. The specific aim of both the session and this volume was
to measure acceptance of, and resistance to, outside influences within Mediterranean coastal settlements
and their immediate hinterlands, with an open time range, but with a particular focus on the processes not
reflecting simple commercial routes, but taking place at an intercultural level, in situations of developed

The visual art as a learning tool in medical education

The literature has identified promising findings regarding the application of methodology
using visual art to develop the cognitive skill of observation and description to enhance critical
thinking among medical students. This longitudinal controlled quasi-experimental study aims to
demonstrate that Visual Thinking Strategies method and other art activities are effective in
improving and maintaining the ability to observe, describe and critically interpret artistic or medical

Factors affecting observers' accuracy when assessing credibility. The effect of the interaction between media, senders' Ccompetence and veracity

The present experiment examined how the interaction between senders' communicative competence, veracity and the medium through which judgments were made affected observers' accuracy. Stimuli were obtained from a previous study. Observers (N = 220) judged the truthfulness of statements provided by a good truth teller, a good liar, a bad truth teller, and a bad liar presented either via an audio-only, video-only, audio-video, or transcript format.

Social representations of the European capitals and destination e-branding via multi-channel web communication

This article focuses on destination branding using social representations as the main theoretical framework, with a specific focus on ICT-mediated social representations. It tackles the questions related to destination e-branding expressed through web marketing of city brand identity and city brand image of ten European capitals (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Warsaw, and Vienna). The data derives from asynchronous and interactive e-tourism communication channels.

Gestione della comunicazione nel paziente enterostomizzato

La comunicazione è un processo interpersonale che consente di stabilire una relazione terapeuticamente efficace tra paziente e infermiere e favorisce la personalizzazione degli interventi di assistenza. Il confezionamento di un’enterostomia ha risvolti psicologici significativi nella persona, che vede alterata la propria immagine corporea, con riflessi nell’ambito sociale e relazionale.

'The communal' in school and indigenous radio. Evidence from the North of Argentina

The Argentinian Law 26.522 on Audiovisual Communication Services (currently under reform) aimed at democratizing the media arena by recognizing multiple actors such as community broadcasters, school and indigenous media, among others. According to the legal classification, community broadcasters were regulated as private non-profit media, despite having specific objectives, programming, organizational logic and economic conditions. Conversely, school and indigenous media merged into the public sector, even if they may act as community media.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma