
Profili, competenze, percezioni delle professioni dell'area politico-sociale dal punto di vista dei datori di lavoro

Il saggio riferisce i risultati di una ricerca condotta dalle autrici fra il 2015 e il 2016 all'interno di un gruppo di lavoro del Prin 2010/2011 "Le professioni dello spazio pubblico oltre la crisi". Nello specifico, il campo di azione dell'indagine qui narrata è circoscritto al match tra le organizzazioni produttive e i laureati di tre settori disciplinari delle scienze sociali emblematici delle professioni dello spazio pubblico: Scienze Politiche, Sociologia, Comunicazione.

The making of a civic discourse on controversial historical past: From denial to parrhesia | [Faire un discours civique sur le passé historique controversé: Du déni à la parrhésie]

Abstract: This contribution discusses the pragmatic effects of different rhetoric strategies conveying evidence of past ingroup violence after a long lasting social denial (Cohen, 2001). In particular, a case study is presented on the making of a civic discourse on controversial historical past: war crimes committed by the Italian Army during the colonial invasion of Ethiopia (1935-36). Although very well proved (Del Boca, 2005), these facts were only recently inserted in Italian history textbooks (Leone & Mastrovito, 2010; Cajani, 2013).


Collecting such a high number of contributions on Communication studies is an important opportunity to check the latest changes in a scientific field whose borders have always been very movable. This is a consequence of the discipline’s debt to older and wider scientific fields, such as social and political sciences, psychology anthropology and language studies.


Adjusted to political correctness, new ways of formal equality offer a superficial sense of respect for the rights and opportunities of women. However, this formal recognition does not guarantee social justice. On the contrary, it becomes a reinforced obstacle while declaring legal equality, not corresponding to the social dynamics of integration and equal opportunities for women.

Towards a communication model for University education

Learning as a student-centred process is a consolidated concept in contemporary literature. To this concept is associated the scientific debate about the redefinition of the role of university professors in terms of enlargement of their functions and skills to plan and manage the training process. The consequent changes are not only connected to the curricular level but involve the communicative sphere of the professor-student relationship, which is increasingly central to promote the effectiveness of the educational project.

Contemporary Approaches in Social Science Researches

The more global disorder progresses, the more important it is to remember the initiatives, large and small, that contribute to fueling that public sphere of knowledge that is naturally inclusive and transnational. IASSR Congresses, the first source for the following essays, are part of these initiatives, and behind their apparent lack of structure, there is the opportunity to broaden the comparison between disciplines and especially between the looks that characterize them in sometimes very different national contexts.

Social media in earthquake-related communication. Shake networks

Social media are playing an increasingly important role during and in the aftermath of natural disasters. Several case studies show how citizens and institutions are using them to spread or gather relevant information, share emotions or support recovery actions. In 2013, Potts defined the role of social media during natural disasters as a ‘largely untapped site of study’ (Potts, 2014, p. 98). Although scholars are now engaging in a growing volume of research in this field, the literature still appears fragmented and overwhelmingly based on single case studies.

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