Adjusted to political correctness, new ways of formal equality offer a superficial sense of respect for the rights and opportunities of women. However, this formal recognition does not guarantee social justice. On the contrary, it becomes a reinforced obstacle while declaring legal equality, not corresponding to the social dynamics of integration and equal opportunities for women.
“Micromachismo acts” are negative expressions disguised in comments, gestures, attitudes and decisions that still maintain a hierarchy of values between feminine categories and masculine ones. This is a velvety model of equality which patriarchy adapted to political correctness for keeping convictions on gender-based inequalities.
The result is a more complex way to fight against that mutated “machismo”, using the formal language of equality to prevent its effective recognition. These new forms of discrimination of a lower voltage have been described as “micromachismo” and require a more rigorous analysis from the different areas of social reality so to be detected and produce a profound change on gender convictions.