Contraception during Coronavirus-Covid 19 pandemia. Recommendations of the board of the Italian Society of Contraception

Purpose: The Italian Society of Contraception identified as one of its priorities the need to give recommendations on management of contraception during Coronavirus-Covid 19 pandemia Materials and methods: A concise communication was produced which summarises in an easy-to-read format suitable for clinicians the management of the different contraceptives mostly used. Information how to manage contraception in different conditions is presented. Results: Women may, in general, continue to use either intrauterine and or hormonal contraceptives.

Vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in early pregnancy: what is the evidence?

It is today well-established that the early stages of pregnancy represent a particularly vulnerable period for the embryo and that viral infections during this period can potentially affect embryogenesis and fetal organ development. Viruses can gain access to the decidua and later to the placenta, by ascending from the lower reproductive tract, or via hematogenous transmission. Vertical transmission mechanisms are poorly understood.

The privilege of working from home at the time of social distancing

The explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing policy of social distancing undertaken by many countries have put the organisation of production and of the work process under unprecedented stress.1 Analyses of the pandemic’s impact on the labour market are now spurring (Coibion et al., 2020) scary projections in terms of the number of jobs lost and related income losses.

Fiscal policies and the pandemic. The response of Italy to the Covid-19 crisis

This paper investigates qualitatively and quantitatively the fiscal policies adopted in Italy in response to the COVID-19 crisis. We assess the rationale of the policies in light of the characterizing features of the business and household sectors and of the state of public budgets. We then evaluate the impact of the policies through a calibrated model of the Italian economy featuring a comprehensive specification of taxes, transfers, and subsidies.


SARS-Co-2 disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly spread worldwide since December 2019. A relevant rate of patients develops an acute respiratory distress syndrome that require hospitalization. Among them, a non-negligible rate (9.8%-15.2%) requires tracheal intubation for invasive ventilation. We report the case of a COVID-19 patient developing pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema secondary to post-intubation tracheal injury. The management of COVID-19 patient can be challenging due to the risk of disease transmission to caregivers and epidemic spread.

Antimicrobial stewardship program, COVID-19, and Infection control. Spread of carbapenem-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae colonization in ICU COVID-19 patients. What did not work ?

The Italian burden of disease associated with infections due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria has been very high, largely attributed to Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-Kp). The implementation of infection control measures and antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASP) has been shown to reduce healthcare-related infections caused by multidrug resistance (MDR) germs. Since 2016, in our teaching hospital of Terni, an ASP has been implemented in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting, with the “daily-ICU round strategy” and particular attention to infection control measures.

Il cerchio si allarga intorno al mondo: open access contro la pandemia

Nell’articolo vengono descritte alcune significative iniziative realizzate in questi mesi e volte a diffondere risorse Open Access per disseminare la ricerca e velocizzare la cura. Non si tratta di una “task force” messa in piedi d’urgenza per l’emergenza COVID, semmai l’affidabilità del modello OA è stata costruita nel tempo, in 30 anni. La scholarly communication in modalità OA è in tempo reale, trasparente, condivisa a livello mondiale, responsabile. Sono queste le qualità su cui fondare la speranza di una risoluzione rapida della pandemia.

An infoveillance system for detecting and tracking relevant topics from italian tweets during the COVID-19 event

The year 2020 opened with a dramatic epidemic caused by a new species of coronavirus that soon has been declared a pandemic by the WHO due to the high number of deaths and the critical mass of worldwide hospitalized patients, of order of millions. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the governments of hundreds of countries to apply several heavy restrictions in the citizens’ socio-economic life. Italy was one of the most affected countries with long-term restrictions, impacting the socio-economic tissue.

Food and COVID-19: preventive/co-therapeutic strategies explored by current clinical trials and in silico studies

Foods, food ingredients, and their balanced consumption are recognized to have an
important role in achieving or maintaining a state of wellbeing by acting as carriers of functional
components and bioactive molecules. However, the potential contribution of foods to consumers’
health has so far only been partially exploited. The rapidly evolving scenario of the coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is stimulating profound reflection on the relationships between

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