How Can the COVID-19 Pandemic Lead to Positive Changes in Urology Residency?

The COVID-19 outbreak, in a few weeks, overloaded Italian hospitals, and the majority of medical procedures were postponed. During the pandemic, with hospital reorganization, clinical and learning activities performed by residents suffered a forced remodulation. The objective of this study is to investigate how urology training in Italy has been affected during the COVID-19 era. In this multi-academic study, we compared residents' training during the highest outbreak level with their previous activity.

Quando si scoprì che il postmodernismo era il modernismo truccato: le disuguaglianze nei tempi del Covid-19

Il concetto gramsciano di egemonia si può identificare come chiave per capire i diversi processi comunicativi nella gestione della pandemia del COVID-19. Lo studio permette di tracciare una breve genealogia delle disuguaglianze che, analizzata storicamente anche in funzione delle diverse concezioni epocali, ci permette di estrarre le chiavi interpretative della situazione attuale.

Role of advanced imaging in COVID-19 cardiovascular complications

Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients are dominated by respiratory symptoms, but cardiac complications are commonly observed and associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Underlying pathological mechanisms of cardiac injury are still not entirely elucidated, likely depending on a combination of direct viral damage with an uncontrolled immune activation. Cardiac involvement in these patients ranges from a subtle myocardial injury to cardiogenic shock. Advanced cardiac imaging plays a key role in discriminating the broad spectrum of differential diagnoses.

Il Messico affronta la pandemia, ma decide di non vedere la violenza sulle donne e la fragilità del suo patto federale

Passano i mesi ma le problematiche vissute dal Messico non sembrano mutare. Al contrario, nel quadrimestre in esame, si sono acuite tensioni già messe più volte in evidenza in occasione delle Cronache costituzionali del Messico quali: la violenza sulle donne; l’indebolimento del patto federale; la crisi interna, e non solo, del partito presidenziale Morena; e, naturalmente, la diffusione dei contagi da Covid-19.

Perceived preparedness of dental academic institutions to cope with the covid-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey

Dental academic institutions are affected by COVID-19. We assessed the perceived COVID19 preparedness of these institutions and the characteristics of institutions with greater perceived preparedness. An international cross-sectional survey of dental academics was conducted from March to August 2020 to assess academics’ and institutional attributes, perceived preparedness, and availability of infection prevention and control (IPC) equipment. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified perceived preparedness components.

What about heart and mind in the covid-19 era?

From the time of Hippocratic medicine, heart-brain interactions have been recognized and contributed to both mental and physical health. Heart-brain interactions are complex and multifaceted and appear to be bidirectional. Exposure to chronic and daily stressors such as quarantine, or severe psychological trauma like a significant person in danger of life can affect the cardiovascular system and the emotional experience of the individual, leading to an increased risk of developing a cardiovascular disease or mental illness.

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